Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sticking it to 7-Year-Olds With Zero Tolerance

A single mother said the school district overreacted by suspending her 7-year-old son for drawing a smiling stick figure shooting another smiling stick figure with a gun.

The Diversity and Tolerance Arbiters strike again.

Note how it was another citizen Nazi who got the ball rolling on this.

And don't you just love the "self-inflicted wounds" comment posted at the bottom by democrat defender "JR"?


Anonymous said...

"Where education comes first"

That's their mission statement on the website.

Unfortunately, the site hosts no board of ed regulations, employee handbook, parent handbook, student handbook, or anything that I can use to verify whether or not this zero tolerance policy was approved by the board, and whether it also includes symbolic depictions of weapons. I'm doubtful that New Jersey has a law that outlaws symbols of weapons, not to mention rudimentary depictions of symbols that represent weapons.

If the zero tolerance policy only specifies actual weapons, this woman should get on the board agenda and speak her mind at the next meeting. While I realize that the local administrator needs the freedom to exercise discipline as (s)he sees fit, it's outside of reason to suspend the student for this.

Anonymous said...

That's politically motivated child abuse.

David A. Wilson said...

I can't believe a kid would be suspended for drawing a stick picture. "Where education comes first" can also include firearms training. When I was in junior high in the 60's we had the first hunter safety class required in Colo. I lived 15 miles out in the county. When the day came to shoot, my best friend and I carried our 22's on the morning school bus, into the school building, through the halls, and to the room of the teacher teaching hunter safety. The only comments we heard from other teachers were, "oh, today is hunter safety shooting day, have fun!"

Can you imagine that today? How have we fallen? I want my country back!!!