Monday, January 28, 2008

Deliver Us from Saslaw

In a clearly audible voice, Senator Saslaw said to his companion: "I see we're debating a gun bill today. Half of the cast of Deliverance is in town." [More]
So, Senator, just out of curiosity, what would you be prepared to do if someone with malevolent intent said "you got a purdy mouth..."?

Squeal like a pig?


  1. I would also encourage any readers from Virginia to write a letter to Saslaw, and include their own senators on the distro list. I'd love to see this jerk be forced to apologize.

  2. You will probably be interested in some of the fallout that is already occuring.

    Here is how he initially respond when confronted:

    "How do they know I was referring to them and not the other side? I never said anything other than we must be debating the gun bill. I never said which side. Some of those people must have one hell of an inferiority complex."

    There is also a podcast of an interview with John Pierce who heard the comment in the elevator. This was done on WRVA, the 50,000 watt AM station out of Richmond.

    VCDL is watching closely how the Senate Majority leader handles this slight of his constituents, no matter which side they were on. If I hear more, I'll return to this thread to update you.

  3. Dang! Wrong link!

    click here

    David, please feel free to edit, delete or move stuff around for continuity.


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