Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Hallowed Halls of Learning

Rather than being the bastions of tolerance and diversity they portray themselves as, our institutions of higher learning have proven themselves rigidly anti-defense to the point of hysteria.
Nothing WarOnGuns regulars don't know...

"The Hallowed Halls of Learning," my Rights Watch column for the March 2008 issue of GUNS Magazine, is now online.


  1. Frankly, David, I'm speechless after the first two paragraphs.

    I had a chance to put Peter Hamm on the hot seat this past April over the drive to ban semi-automatics. I never heard the man stammer and stutter so much in my entire life, and he's usually well-spoken for someone who's completely wrong on the issue. But never in my life would I have imagined that he tell pro-RKBA students to "drop out of school."

  2. This column hit pretty close to home for me being that I'm an educator. I've maintained to myself for some time now that I would defend my students to the death should such a dire need arise.

    This begs the question: With what? Take a bullet for a kid who's going to end up taking one anyway because no one has a way to stop the shooter? Without a means of self defense teachers are just another moving target, sadly.

    Peter Hamm's comment actually caused me to put on my conspiracy hat on for a second - This is the attitude of grabbers because they want us to be uneducated. They don't want students who would carry a weapon for their own personal protection to succeed at institutions of higher learning and become successful and influential members of society. That might legitimize people who carry concealed weapons.

    Further, school administrators fear their customers, i.e. students might actually be living, breathing, thinking individuals: something to be feared - instead of cash cows that rotated every four years.

    I know that's out there, but stranger things have happened in the past. Every time education and firearms comes up it sets me off. Keep doing what you're doing, David. Maybe someone will listen someday.

  3. See:,2933,304806,00.html

    There's always the option of just doing what you know is best and counting on the fact that the risk of repercussions is low enough to make it a rational gamble.

    One of the best ways to nullify bad laws is through massive noncompliance.

  4. I'm so glad these wonderful gun control measures worked so well to prevent VA Tech.

    I wish a journalist would ask this individual who either is an idiot or insane (if the definition of insanity is doing the same thing [banning guns] and expecting a different result) why so many mass shootings tend to occur in places such as so called 'gun free zones' and not places such as gun shows or gun ranges where there are more guns than in the gun free zones.


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