Saturday, January 12, 2008

Ron Paul is No Racist!

There is now underway a full-blown smear campaign to paint Ron Paul as a racist. First, there was the lame attempt at guilt by association, with a mere campaign contribution by some red neck racist being touted as “proof” that Ron Paul is racist. And then there were equally stupid Kevin Baconesque degrees of separation attempts to connect Ron with various so-called “hate groups.”

Now the muckrakers are dredging up ancient, obscure newsletters written by some equally obscure ghost writing employee(s) of Dr. Paul’s way back in the early 1990’s. This only tells me that Ron Paul is a real threat to the political establishment, and they are pulling out all the stops in an attempt to stop the Ron Paul Revolution.
Excellent commentary by a proud American of Mexican/Indian heritage who worked for Ron Paul.

I keep promising to get to this, but Stewart Rhodes has written an important piece that says much of what I would have. Paul supporters should forward the title link that goes to his complete article far and wide to help combat the evil lies that are being spread about a decent man.

The level of hatred and vitriol shown to him by some in the supposed "gun community" is simply shameful. Debate the issues. This has no place in the debate, and anyone employing it is either a willful fool or a knowing liar.


And here's how you can prove it for yourself: Paul's public record spans decades. Have his bloviating accusers list all the quotes by him--along with a credible source--where Dr. Paul has written or spoken an unequivocally racist statement--and by that I mean a statement advocating that whites are superior and other races are inferior. Find a statement by him where he advocates either an enhancement or reduction of liberty for individuals belonging to any group of people based on their ethnicity.

If they can't, just remember your Shakespeare: "[I]t is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing."

Here's my bet: Anything they come up with will be so indirect, or out of context, or possibly even true, just politically incorrect to admit in today's environment of conditioned Nazi-like sensitivities, that the reaction by anyone of fair and open mind will be: Is that all you've got? That's it?

Let's see what you've got, loudmouth saboteurs. Give us all the naked ugly racist remarks Ron Paul has made over the years. You've got a free forum in the comments, below. Put up or shut the hell up.

And if you had an ounce of integrity, you'd publicly apologize.


  1. Part of Ron Paul's persona is telling truths, that the people have experienced in their own lives, that other politicians are afraid to say. McCain dreams of being the Straight Talk Express, but all he does is his some emotional buttons, dodge, spin and deny reality (ie he's always opposed Amnesty).

    Full disclosure, I voted for Paul in '88, but lean Hunter or Thompson this time around.

  2. I posted a blog about the "racist accusations" a couple of days ago.

    I"I Don't Care!"

    I got kinda reamed for it, but I still stand by what I said.

  3. Let the reamers come here, Kent. If they can't produce the goods, they'll get reamed right back.

  4. Well, as a Ron Paul supporter it made me cringe when I saw those newsletter last year (on, and made me cringe again when they caught widespread attention recently. Racism is ugly business and while he himself didn't write the articles, letting his name be used is sad.

    Having said that, I'll take a pro-freedom candidate that failed to rebuke some small minded people over the whole field of anti-freedom candidates.

  5. "The level of hatred and vitriol shown to him by some in the supposed "gun community" is simply shameful."

    Case in point...

  6. This ridiculous smear should be easy to deal with. Perhaps it's so oblique, unexpected and unbelievable that it has taken Paul and his folks off guard.

    Every time I hear it I'm tempted to make another donation to Ron Paul and notify a few of those who have spread it, as I will today. If enough RP supporters let it be known the smear disgusts and motivates them to redouble support, that would help discredit it.

    Nelson Linder, head of the Austin Texas NAACP, is a decades-long Paul pal. Linder says Paul is hardly a racist. Paul has repeatedly stated over decades that Rev. Martin Luther King is one of his heroes, and Paul trumpets equal rights and liberties regardless of race.

    Ron Paul needs to immediately go if not on the offensive then on an aggressive defense. For starters, do some ads with guys like Linder, praising Martin Luther King and liberty for all.

    Russ Howard


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