Monday, January 28, 2008

The San Andreous Fault

A man accidentally shot and killed himself at a West Dallas party early Saturday after showing off his pistol to friends...A group of friends had been drinking...when Andreous Robinson, 20, went outside around 1 a.m. and shot a few rounds into the air. Police said Mr. Robinson then came back inside and thought that he'd discharged all of the rounds, so he put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger...His death came less than a day after a man was fatally shot in a similar incident...four men were drinking vodka and using crack cocaine Friday afternoon when one of them accidentally shot another to death.
See, if only they'd disarm you and me, this kind of stuff would never happen.


  1. "so he put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger."

    Why on earth would we want this to stop? This is evolution in progress. Personally, I'm fully in favor of making it as easy as possible for people that stupid to kill themselves before they reproduce.

  2. We need folks like this to keep the Darwin awards going. Speaking of Darwin, didn't he prove is was a natural born right to evolve, everything does it. These folks were just helping to speed it up a bit by adding their own chlorine to the gene pool. . . As long as they only take out themselves how is this a bad thing???

  3. Unfortunately, at the age of 20, it is highly probable that Andreous is already the father of several children by several different women.

    If he has managed to buck that trend and remain childless, then he can be included in both the Darwin Awards, and the Brady bunch's Children Killed By Guns list.

  4. If that isn't the harsh and sad truth.

  5. Why, there awter be-ah lawr!

    We need to pass a lawr against under-age drinking, and children shouldn't be allowed to carry handguns!

  6. Think of it as evolution in action.

    We need more of that.

  7. yall bitches dont know what the fuck happened u friendly ass pricks. you didnt step foot on that day and thats my brotha yall got me fucked up on this article. my bro didnt have any kids and we know he didnt shoot himself. Andreous was the realist and best firend so speak ya facts before u speak opinions he died from someone shooting him. you will be suied and charges is being filed against this fake as blogger for falsefying and publishing uncredited and false information. Bitch we got money and if you down grade my brotha one mo time you can call me at 972-268-5512 and ill see what you talking bout. get ya facts straight bitch. and get out ya mamas basement.


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