Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Solution We Can All Live With

We need a stricter gateway of regulations and education system before people are allowed the privilege of handling firearms. Had Hunter been taught the proper handling and laws of gun ownership, and had Talovic had to go through months of gun education, the Trolley Square incidents could have been prevented, and the life of Vanessa Quinn could have been saved. An extended waiting time and licensing for the initial privilege of gun ownership -- keeping guns in the hands of only those who have proven themselves worthy -- is a solution we can all live with.

The United Violent Stalkers of America salute Janice Kopaunik's proposal to require "months of gun education" before any in the "law-abiding" victim pool can obtain the means of defense. And they applaud the University of Utah for not teaching their starry-eyed charges that perceived benefits can't be effectively assessed without understanding there will always be associated costs and unintended consequences.

I'm sure young Janice thinks she's come up with something original that people of good will and moderation can all get behind, so I won't burst her bubble nor waste space addressing stale arguments that have been debunked many times over the years. Besides, by checking that out, the minimal research she should have done before affixing her brand name to this will do her some good.

Suffice it to say, "No."

Sorry, Janice, I will resist and defy all ill-conceived edicts that you would have the state impose under force of arms on men and women older and far wiser than you. And I am far from alone.

So now that that's settled, Janice, the ball is in your court: How many men like me are you willing to see destroyed in order to impose your will? How bad do you want it, Janice? And what makes you think we'll go quietly into that good night?

How much in unintended consequences and associated costs do you think a fair price will be?


  1. She gives her whole game away in the first sentence (not schmart poker):


  2. Okay, I've got two decades without an "accident" or a criminal conviction. When do I get my Ma Deuce?

  3. It appears that she's incapable of rational thought.

    Banning guns or making stricter laws will achieve nothing. The solution lies in stricter regulations on the right to own a gun.

    Her argument boils down to: "We don't need stricter gun laws, we need stricter regulations."

    Ain't semantics neat?

    I sent her a note:

    Ms. K, nobody cares about your policies, codes, regulations, laws, educational requirements, fees, permits, licenses, or any other scam you may cook up. Human beings will arm themselves as they see fit, when they see fit, and do with those arms as they see fit, because self-defense is our genetic heritage. We are the living descendents of those primordial animals who killed first, killed fastest, and killed most.

    Trying to paste over millions of years of human nature with a piece of paper and an instruction booklet is a colossal waste of time, money, and blood.

  4. Nice to see they are accepting comments.....I submitted mine yesterday and the site still says "Be the first to comment"

  5. Jeff, it's there. In the right column there's a box titled "Most Recently Commented". Click on the article title, then at the bottom of the article click on "Read all...comments".


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