Monday, February 04, 2008

"Abusive Bullies"

When supporters of the event attempted to "lie down" for three minutes, the time it takes to undergo a background check in Virginia, armed members of the NRA, the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) and Students for Concealed Carry on Campus descended on the vigil, heckled the speakers, including those who had been shot at Virginia Tech, and tried to block participants. These armed bullies conducted a shameful display of insensitivity and intimidation.
Actually, if you want to see "abusive bullies," just look at the tactics employed by state agents carrying out the will of the "peaceful protestors," that is, cowards and anti-gun males who rely on rougher men to do their dirty work for them.

Here's an account of events that includes a little something the hysterical Ben Fordney leaves out: documentation. Of course, he also left out that he's a board member for Virginians Against Handgun Violence, yet presumes to speak for "Most gun owners in Virginia, including strong supporters of the Second Amendment"...

In the Newspeak of those who respect neither the Second nor the First, vocal dissent is "bullying." Tough for you, Ben. With all the police and media at the event, I'm sure if anything untoward happened, there'd be more than your whining thought-up-after-the-fact tactic to go after these horrible, icky people with.

Here's maybe something you could try, Ben: If you don't want people to laugh at you, stop being laughable.


  1. Everyone take note of these lines:

    "One final observation. The VCDL estimates that there were about 400 gun rights supporters lobbying in the General Assembly building and about 200 that attended the "lie in." I would assume that a good 80 to 90 percent were armed.

    "All of those guns around amongst all of those people who disagree on the issues so fundamentally (and, in the case of the anti-gunners, so rudely and with barely concealed anger), and NOT ONE PERSON was shot. NOT ONE FIREARM was brandished. The Anti-gunners were perfectly safe even when outnumbered by armed individuals by a factor of two or three to one.

    "Curious counterpoint to their argument that "guns kill people" now isn't it?"

    That is as powerful an argument over the real issue as any I've read. Criminal activity involving firearms generally involves, well, criminals (profound thought, no?). As I've said over and again, criminal firearm activity amounts for less than 0.2% of all guns owned in this country. The guns are not the problem.

  2. Whoops, after reading my comment, it could be construed that I consider antigunners criminals. 'Twasn't my point nor my intention.

    We know the Robert Henlein quote--an armed society is a polite society. We just saw that in action as described in this post. That's what I was trying to emphasize.


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