Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Art of the Possible

"Politics is the art of the possible," I've been told, generally by those critical of my "absolutist" orneriness as they justify yet another compromise.

"The perfect is the enemy of the good," they are quick to point out.

What I've never been clear on is how people who refuse to push the envelope, and choose the path of appeasement and flexible principles, can consider themselves authorities on what's possible. That's determined by those willing to go to the wall, sometimes climbing over, sometimes breaking through, and sometimes ending up dashed and broken in front of it.

But they went to the wall.

And I don't know any mortal claiming perfection. But I also don't see where someone aiding and abetting evil can claim goodness. The axiom is misleading, and at the very least should be rephrased "The perfect is the enemy of the expedient," just so we're all clear on what we're really buying into.


  1. David, for no better reason I'm giving you this link here OT. Frankly, I'm not sure how to read into this but time will tell.

  2. I saw it Avg Joe, and commented on it earlier today--late last night, actually (see post titled "Looks Like It's a Moot Point."

    This goes back to the conversation you and I had on KABA about saying he wouldn't run 3rd party vs saying he had no plans to--this overturns those considerations as we understood them just a couple days ago.

  3. Anybody who doesn't agree with you is aiding evil.

    I see.

    I am glad you are right, and the rest of us are wrong.

    "No true Scotsman" - oh sorry - conservative would work across the aisle in Congress to get anything done. (If you don't know what the "no true Scotsman" fallacy is - look it up.)

    Ron Paul was/is a racist. Or he was/is a fool who let racists publish their drek under his name. Huckabee wants to turn America into a Christian version of Iran. You may be happy with that, but I'm not, and neither are most Republicans, let alone most Americans. Romney has been for gun control his entire career in Massachusetts. (When did he join the NRA? In August of 2006 - Just in time to run for President.) Kerry lied to constantly 4 years ago about his support of the NRA. If I wanted someone like that, I could have voted for him.

    How exactly has the Conservative Savior, George W. Bush, done anything for gun owners? What has he done on any front for anyone? He signed McCain Feingold when he could have vetoed it. He had his justice department file a brief in the DC case denigrating the 2nd Amendment. He has overseen the biggest increase in government - and I am NOT talking about the war, I am talking about his prescription drug program - it will probably rival Social Security as entitlements go.

    But GWB is a true Scotsman - er conservative. Fine.

    So as I said before, vote for the Constitution Party Candidate, or Libertarian Party. Or just don't vote as your "protest." That's your right.

    But don't call those of us who disagree with you evil just because we disagree with you. You'll find your not the end-all/be-all of decided who is and isn't evil

  4. The problem is that to many let the truism of "The perfect is the enemy of the good" be used as an excuse for moving backward as opposed to remembering there is a moral imperative it at least fight to move forward some bit. And, really, let’s face it, most of them are cowards. *Shrugs* We were doomed before I was even born, so I find it hard to get upset now-a-days.

    Zendo. In all likelihood, he is right. Don't like having it thrown in your face? Deal. Don't get bitchy. And if you are going to defame someone, at least back up the defamations with proof so that we can judge the value of your facts.

  5. Do you always go blundering into a place and start spouting bellicose conclusions completely oblivious to what has been established on this site before, many times?

    Good grief.

    Don't you have something to do that doesn't involve demanding everybody pay attention to how ignorant and rude you are?

  6. The McCain apologists are choosing to ignore Henry's words:

    ...It is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. Wea are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren until she transforms us into beasts.

    McCain sponsored the bill which made paid political speech 60 days before a general election into a felony.

    How anyone calling themselves "freedom-minded" could support that author in an election under any circumstance, even against the Devil herself, is beyond me.

  7. "Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."


    I lost count of how many times I fell short, but I've always went to the wall myself. I was taught that as a young lad. Even now at 40 I do, and everyone in my life at least knows where I stand.

  8. THermopylae
    The Alamo
    Easter Rising 1916

    In all three cases the primary participants died, but their causes succeeded because they "went to the wall".

    None of us want to be martyrs, but someone always has to be the one to say 'this far and no farther'.

  9. I'm reserving judgment until I see what happens in - and after - Heller vs DC. If SCOTUS says, "Yeah, the 2nd guarantees an individual right, but local governments can ignore it if THEY think it prudent to do so"...then, I'm going to get VERY heavily armed and start agitating. If SCOTUS does the right thing and governments are put on notice that they too have to obey the law, I'll give the U.S. a little more time to right itself.

  10. Even if Heller goes our way, I expect to improve my posture significantly. For one thing, it might get cheaper. For another, it can always get worse again later. Eternal vigilance....

  11. "The Anatomy Of Compromise"

    "1) In any conflict between two men (or two groups) who hold the same basic principles, it is the more consistent one who wins.

    2) In any collaboration between two men (or two groups) who hold different basic principles, it is the more evil or irrational who wins.

    3) When opposite basic principles are clearly and openly defined, it works to the advantage of the rational side; when they are not clearly defined, but are hidden or evaded, it works to the advantage of the irrational side."

    ("The Anatomy Of Compromise" - Ayn Rand)


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