Wednesday, February 13, 2008

An "Awkward" Commitment

Len Savage emailed me his reaction to "Awkward" by Mike Vanderboegh, and consented to to my posting his thoughts here:

Mike's essay is certainly provocative. It appears to have forced some people from their comfort zone. He made people "think" [including me].

"Thinking and Acting before Feeling."

Good advice, I have had to suspend my emotions while engaging ATF on it's unlawful, and unconstitutional behavior. Passion is fine, emotions will give them a button to push. Why give them the option?

"But not the Americans, as the Abbe Raynal observed. They were "an 'enlightened people' who knew their rights and the limits of power and who, unlike any people before them, aimed to think before they felt."

Given the historic percentages of how many "Colonists" actually participated in the formation of America, I may be wrong, but would expect the same numbers would apply to current citizens who know their rights and limits of the power of government.

"Aren't you worried they'll come after you?" No, I told them, I wasn't. I knew that if they decided to come for me, worrying about it wasn't going to make any difference."

This is where the real power of an American resides, not violence. I KNOW at some point the ATF WILL come for me. I decided I will not stop exposing ATF contrivances until that day.

Maybe John Ross was right when he wrote "After the first one, the rest are free". When I went to US v. Glover [BATFE Fails The Test], I was marked as a target by ATF. I realized "the rest were free", hell I was already marked [read that threatened, screwed with, and leaned on]. I discovered there is "Freedom" in my situation now.

Fear plays no part in my decisions to testify about ATF malfeasance, tampered evidence etc.
A few Americans are putting it on the line, men like Len Savage, Ryan Horsley, Mike Vanderboegh, men who do not hide behind a veil of anonymity to escape repercussions. The Founders knew this, knew that Liberty required standing up, taking risks, pledging "Lives...Fortunes...and sacred Honor." These men who assume that spirit are following in their footsteps.

I understand some have not personally committed to do that, and understand all the reasons better than most--economic, social reputation, becoming a listed target for government scrutiny...been there, done that. The perceived negative repercussions are all true.

And yeah, I know about "Publius," but Madison, Jay and Hamilton had already put their necks in the noose--self-preservation wasn't their motivation.

Here's the thing: Someone who only has their toe in the pool can withdraw it at any time and appear dry. Not so with someone immersed in the deep end. It's all about commitment, without which, Liberty will never be won.

Yes, taking a stand makes you a target. And few targets make for easy pickings. I hold no hope that we'll ever be a few million self-proclaimed, at least until not after the time where that counts has passed.

Here are some questions all gun owners need to consider:

What will you do when the corrupt elites in power, abetted by their socialist media allies, fool enough of the people enough of the time and lock in control of the legislatures?

What will you do when they tell you to register your guns?

What will you do when they order you to get their permission to own your registered guns in the form of paid licenses with arbitrary and mutable qualifying standards?

What will you do when they tell you that your license application has been rejected, that your registered guns have been banned, that you must turn them in or face arrest and imprisonment?

I know what my answer will be, inspired by another contemporary patriot and friend.

Just so we're clear: I'm not chastising you personally for not following suit. Believe me, I understand why most will not. But in return, don't expect me to be particularly receptive to criticisms of "absolutists," people who have made a commitment, coming from safe quarters unknown.

My name is David Codrea and I will not disarm.


  1. "A few Americans are putting it on the line, men like Len Savage, Ryan Horsley, Mike Vanderboegh,(David Codrea) men who do not hide behind a veil of anonymity to escape repercussions. "

    There fixed it for you, you forgot one. Keep it up David, and thanks!

  2. My name is Brian Barfield, and I will not disarm.

  3. My name is James Ennis and I will not disarm.

  4. My name is Chris Horton, and I WILL NOT DISARM!

  5. In death, a member of Project Mayhem has a name. His name is Robert Paulson.

    Seriously, I'd love to stand up and proclaim my name and my intention to not be disarmed, but my part in this battle is different.

    Good for you guys though!

  6. My name is Kenneth David Hall, and I will not disarm.

  7. My name is Nicki Fellenzer, and you know DAMN STRAIGHT I will not disarm!

  8. Could anyone who is more tech savy than I please let me know if there is anything disconcerting about the blog for "Federal Farmer"?

    The blog he list is "" which shows no info.

    His other listing is:

    Returns no site.

    I would be careful about freely listing names given the "visitors" from .Gov that troll WOGs.

    Of course I could be paranoid and Federal Farmer is likely a great Gunnie and a all around good egg....

  9. I'm in the progress of moving my sites due to one of them being hacked by script kiddies.

    However, I thought the point of this was for them to have their names known.

  10. My name is Sam Tyner. Hey, I live in GA. I've written more radical stuff to the local newspaper than anyone has said on this blog. I will not disarm you. David 'knows' who I am incognito. I have a reason to keep my screen name unknown.

  11. I see no reason to single out FF for extra scrutiny. Any one of us could be THE MOLE, if that's what we want to use as a reason. We can go nuts with that, be paralyzed. How do we know it's not you?

    The government already has our names, 1894C. They have 4473s and NICS. They have access to our bank records. They know who is an NRA member. Their spook software can sift through our emails and posts. They have access to our prescription transactions--they know who takes Viagra. If you've been to a porno site, or a white power site, or an anarchy site, or especially an Islamic site, they probably know that, too.

    I'm COUNTING on them seeing my name here--that's why I put it there. What good does it do to stand up to them if they don't know about it?

    Now where was I? Oh, yeah:

    My name is David Codrea and I will not disarm.

  12. Ok then, I'm Timothy Pickering, and I will not disarm.

    As proponents of the US Constitution, we must be wary of wolves in sheep's cloathing.

  13. "How do we know it's not you?"

    I guess you don't.

    Point taken.

  14. Oh, and for the record, this is my real name, I'm in the Army National Guard, I've taken an oath to protect the Constitution of the United States from all enemies foreign and domestic, as well as the state of Virginia. The government DEFINITELY has more info on me than most, since I hold a clearance, and I'm not worried about it, since I haven't said or done anything subversive or wrong.

    And I DON'T take Viagra... just for the record.

    And no, I still won't disarm. :-p

  15. I'm Kurt Hofmann, and I truly believe, and want to believe, that an attempt to disarm me will not succeed while I live. However, I've never been tested in that way, and can't honestly claim to know that I'll live up to the ideal of moral courage to which I aspire.

    On another note, I know Federal Farmer's situation, and the reason for his reticence. I have zero doubt about his honor, or his commitment to liberty.

  16. Wasn't supposed to have 'you' after -I will not disarm. My Bad.
    Sam Tyner

  17. I'm not "anonymous" out of fear of the government. "They" know who I am, where I am, and I've been on the list for a while. I'm not willing to come forward with my name now because I work with those folks who operate on feelings over logic, the gun hater in entertainment. As the on set discussions go on I give them plenty to think about...try to win over the ones that aren't insane. I'm made some progress with a few.

    Frankly, I need the money now for what's coming later. My only income comes from the people that bleat to the government to do something about guns. Any I can take from them keeps it out of the bad guys hands a little longer.

    I'm "hairy hobbit" for now, and I won't be disarmed...if I am forcibly, I'll build new stuff.

  18. My name is Lee Warner, EMC USN (ret), resident of Baxter Co. Arkansas. As my military career involved nuclear weapons, I've got an FBI paper trail several miles long. They know about my DCM Garand, and my CCW.

    They know that when they want me, all they have to do is put a sniper on the roof of the gas station down the road.

    Still, I will not disarm.

  19. Tommy Sherman
    I will not disarm.

  20. They know who I am, and know that I won't disarm. I would much rather die free than live as a slave.

    Si vis pacem, para bellum.

  21. I am Bruce W. Krafft and I too am already on more than one list.

    I won't register the guns that they know I have and if they get those then there are the ones I have bought 'off paper' for cash (and I make sure that I pay cash for the ammo too).

    Oh, yeah, almost forgot:

    Bruce W. Krafft
    I will not disarm.

  22. I am Charles H. Sawders and I will not disarm. It never occurred to me that "they" didn't know who straightarrow was. In fact, I know they do.

  23. Tavis Steen

    do you even have to ask?

    will not disarm

  24. Robert Steven Reynolds, King County, Washington

    I will not disarm.


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