Monday, February 04, 2008

Because Forced Disarmament Worked Out So Well for Them

Bishop and others at the solemn ceremony directed their opposition to two pieces of legislation, House Bill 915 and HB 89. The first would allow gun owners to carry their weapons into more places in the state. The other would let employees carry guns in their cars to work.

Anyone who would put me or my loved ones in the same jeopardy that theirs were killed in has lost all claim to sympathy. By demanding our forced disarmament by the state, they have made themselves nothing less than our enemies. It doesn't matter if they're grieving, it doesn't matter if they're misguided. They advocate state coercion to deny basic human rights. They have stepped over to the "obey us or be destroyed" side of the line.

Nice work there, "Authorized Journalist" David Markiewicz! One would never know alternate viewpoints might exist from this "straight news" story. Nice to see the Atlanta Journal Constitution continues to maintain the tradition of ethical reporting standards we've come to expect.


  1. Those who spend all of their time demanding that us law-abiding firearm-owners be disarmed, rather than using that time to enforce the laws already on the books and catch, prosecute, and imprison the true criminals, are doing nothing more than aiding and abetting those criminals, pure and simple. Criminals like soft, unarmed targets, and that is what these people would have us all turn into, just due to their own fear.

    God help us all if they win.

  2. It won't exactly be a win for them. They will be on the cusp of winning, and then............

  3. I'm always careful with "enforce the laws already on the books," because that net has a tendency to snag patriots obedient to a higher authority than evil and offensive citizen disarmament edicts.

  4. There are quite a few "laws already on the books" I will not allow to be enforced against me.

    At least, not without serious consequence.

  5. More interesting is that the rally for HB 915 had about 200 people attend at the Capitol steps. The AJC said nothing about it.

    The rally against it had about 32 people and plenty of press.

    What bias?


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