Saturday, February 09, 2008

Huge Dick News!

Cheney Joins Congress In Opposing D.C. Gun Ban
Vice President Breaks With Administration

I mean, it must be huge. It's front page stuff with all the right "Authorized Journalists"--you know, like the ones we've learned to trust over at We Black Out--You Swallow:

Even Wayne 'n Chris have jumped on the bandwagon, so it's gotta be something big! I mean, Lord knows they don't select what they want to emphasize (or ignore) for just anything...

Oldest trick in the book...?
Haven't I ever heard of "Good Cop/Bad Cop"?

What do you mean the administration is hedging its bets, playing both sides against the middle? You say if they were really serious, the "Vote Freedom First" President would have ordered his Solicitor General to take it back...? That we're being played like a cheap violin, and we're so desperate to deny it we'll actually fall for this being significant? That it's design, not accident that so much emphasis is being placed on this story?

See, that kind of tinfoil hat conspiracy kook cycnicism just divides us, which is what our enemies want. Plus it makes us dribble Kool-Aid all over our nice new McCain for President T-shirts.

Now if only we could figure out who are enemies are, we'd know in which direction we should unite...


  1. Your political opponents sound just like your opposite. Your political enemies sound just like you.

  2. "Now if only we could figure out who are enemies are, we'd know in which direction we should unite..."-David.

    I'm not sure it matters which direction. We are pretty much in the position of the 1St Marine Division at Chosin Reservoir, we are surrounded, we can't retreat, only attack in a new direction.

    As one Marine reported during WWII to his company commander, "They've got us surrounded, the poor bastards."

    Let's hope we have the same brand of fortitude.


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