Friday, February 15, 2008

NIU Shooter: Raw Info

This is stuff I'm just grabbing as fast as I can. I have a few comments interspersed, but for the most part, treat these as raw links for future exploration.

He was off his meds. Why is that absolutely not a surprise?

The story tells us he was "a member of the NIU Academic Criminal Justice Association." It is affiliated with the American Correctional Association.

Their website was down briefly and I thought I was going to have to do Wayback Machine screen captures. Now I see why. They replaced their officer's page to delete his name (VICE-PRESIDENT: STEVE KAZMIERCHEK).

With his interest in corrections, and the club's stated Constitutional goal of:

Providing information about career opportunities in corrections, social welfare, intervention, law enforcement, probation/parole, and other professions addressing the sources, processes, and contexts of social offense...
it is not unreasonable to speculate on whether or not his career interest was in either becoming an "Only One" or training future ones. With his interest in "peace and social justice," code words associated with the political left, and noting his academic work in sociology, it does not seem unreasonable to speculate about where his political sympathies lay.

Here's the criminology paper he co-authored. Actually, it's an overview--you need to pay for the article itself. No thanks--I don't care that badly. The gist of it will come out in the next few days.

Make of this stuff what you will.

UPDATE: I see Thulsa Doom has chimed in. With the above information, I'm wondering if we might be dealing with a member of the Cult of Set...


I feel that I'm committed to social justice...
Crazy stuff--no idea if it is reliable or just noise...


  1. Yes, the headline on the AP article I just saw is interesting:

    "Obama supports individual gun rights"

    Okay, he actually supports an AWB (not mentioned in the article) and a federal microstamping law (mentioned in the article) that he thinks "both gun owners and crime victims can get behind."

    On the one hand, it's the usual baloney. On the other hand, it looks (based on the headline and Obama's comments) that the other side expect to lose Heller.

    I call that good, as far as it goes. Now is the time for all good men and women to pour on the coal.

  2. Oh, and forgot to mention (note to self: never publish the first draft) that Obama has mastered the doublethink jutsu of simultaneously (allegedly) supporting an individual right to arms and the DC gun ban.

  3. It seems to me, other than the obviously criminally minded people who kill others with guns is that our "Medical" and "Social Services" communities are failing horribly at their jobs.

    We are a society of medicated people. It has it's place and benefits,for some. But too many people are dependant on meds for the wrong reasons.

    The Pharmacutical Industry gets breaks in many forms from "the Gov't" that no other industries get.

    They have the deepest pockets as well, and contribute and lobby heavier than any of the others.

    Instead of going after Law Abiding Gun Owners and Manufacturers. Maybe all eyes should focus on the the Pharmacutical Companies, as well as the Doctors and Social Science people who have turned society into the drug dependent mush-heads that we've become.

    Maybe law suits against Doctors and others who prescribe this poison to the populace would be a good start.

    There was nothing wrong with a swift kick in the ass when I was growing up to staighten things out.
    Now,they've got pills for such things..and it's NOT WORKING!!

  4. Markie Marxist sez: "I agree with Obama. I support the right to keep and bear arms too. I'm a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and I think it's an individual right. I just think it should only apply to individual government agents who are rounding up and gunning down private gun owners."

  5. Right you are, Chris.

    Boys acting like boys are too much work. They sometimes fight, and even draw pictures of GUNS!!!

    If boys don't act like passive girls, they must be drugged.

    It's easier that way. And we are dealing with public employee union members.

    Personally, I prefer the South Park approach.*

    And funny thing: once boundaries and Alpha Male were established early on, problems are minimal. Matter of fact, I must be doing something wrong--neither of my two young cannibals are afraid of me. But they sure fall in line when I let 'em know Dad means it.

    *Not really--no one hits my children. I had a teacher try to slap me upside the head in high school and I blocked it, looked him in the eye and told him calmly if he wanted to smack me, he'd need to call my Dad and get permission, otherwise we were going to have a problem. Funny thing--you could see he wasn't used to anyone standing up to him, particularly someone who was not only unafraid but more in control of the situation than he was. It really must have unnerved him, because he didn't even send me to the principal's office--he just looked real uncomfortable and walked away.

  6. . . . Obama has mastered the doublethink jutsu of simultaneously (allegedly) supporting an individual right to arms and the DC gun ban.

    In that sense, Oldsmoblogger, Obama seems to be right in line with the Bush administration "Justice" Department.

  7. We can't allow ourselves to get distracted by the alleged evils of the drug companies.

    I expect that we will hear a call for further strengthening the new NICS improvement Act.

    Ever had depression?
    Ever had Anxiety?
    Ever been to a mental health practitioner for any reason?

    Aren't we glad the NRA helped to put this camel's nose under the tent?

  8. Have you seen this idea from the joint press release from the VPC, Brady Bunch, and CSGV?

    Establish a system whereby university officials are notified when a student purchases a gun from a gun dealer.

    So what would university officials do then--expel the student?

  9. Curt,
    It's only a matter of time until gun ownership and the use of them will be a pre-cursor to entrance to the "ivory towers."

    It doesn't seem to bother anyone either in the "towers" that most higher educations are already financially out of most peoples reach.

    Got a gun, like to hunt or target practice? don't even think of applying here.....

  10. Chris,

    Yes, in some academic fields there may be some truth, but not all. Heck, in history, especially military history, professors who start out anti-gun tend to become very pro 2nd Amendment. No, not all, but the intelligent and honest ones do. No, I do not count Belleseilles (sp?) in either category.

    Heck, I've known plenty of engineering profs to be avid shooters.

    You might want to back off on the caffeine, and the kool aid.

  11. Hey Greg,
    I live on caffeine, as you've obviously visited my blog. My comment was to Curts above.

    As far as the Kool-Aid goes, I've never been one to partake, and at least I let my real name and location be known, instead of hiding behind anonymity.

    Sounds like maybe You might live in one of them "towers," But I can appreciate your comments though, thanks.


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