Friday, February 01, 2008


There's the way that works:
In Gush Etzion, southeast of Jerusalem, two Palestinian gunmen wearing IDF uniforms burst into the Makor Haim yeshiva high school. Wielding guns and knives, they lightly injured two Israeli counselors before being shot dead.

And the way that doesn't:
First, we believe in absolutely gun-free, zero-tolerance, totally safe schools. That means no guns in America's schools, period ... with the rare exception of law enforcement officers or trained security personnel.
Yeah, I know--guns in schools is a political loser and will scare people, so we shouldn't talk about it. Besides, it's too soon after Virginia Tech and our enemies will accuse us of exploiting tragedy.

Forget I brought it up. From now on, we'll only discuss things everybody's comfortable with and can agree on.

[Via Ron W]


  1. If memory serves me correctly, there were a lot of muslim attacks on schools and school children in Israel some years back. The Israeli's armed every school and school teacher and the attacks stopped. Looks like the bad guys forgot to check their target.

  2. Every parent needs to see Three Days in September. I saw it on showtime a month or two ago and it will open your eyes to how limited law enforcement is in handling such a situation.

    THREE DAYS IN SEPTEMBER is the dramatic story of the 2004 Chechen terrorist attack and three-day siege of a school in southern Russia. When it was over, 331 people lay dead — 176 of them children.


    We desperately need a grain of sand as the basis for the pearl; even if it destined to be cast before swine.

    Thank you for all you do.


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