Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Riddle of Steel

Speaking of Thulsa Doom, Cryptic Subterranean gives us two important clues on his answer to "The Riddle of Steel":

"Obama on Guns"

"Obama on Gun Control"

If I had to take a wild guess, I'd say it has to do less with controlling guns than the hands that wield them...

1 comment:

  1. If ever there was a reason to vote for McCain, this is it.

    I can't stand mccain. He won't get my vote period

    Any politician who says he is against special interest then states they are top advisors of his campaign. Please stop playing me for a fool!
    I know where his loyalty lies, right where most other politicians loyalty lies, in the pocket book, and the ego-power dept.
    As far as obama is concerened, I say let him win and ban all the guns. Maybe that is what it will take to get it this settled. If he thinks he can get away with it I say give him the rope and lets see what happens.
    This pathetic aproach of electing the lesser of two evils to keep what is left of our liberties, we hope, is a losing proposition. They will keep eating away a little at a time and each time we will say "well they didn't take it all" until it IS all gone. Let them BAN it ALL. Or try to, I believe that is what its going to take to STOP the infringments. That will weed out the talkers from the doers.


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