Monday, February 18, 2008

Same Car Dealer Sold to 2 DUI Killers!!!

I just wanted to change the headline a bit to demonstrate how ridiculous the AP and "Authorized Journaist" Scott Bauer are being here.

Note to Eric Thompson: These people are not your friends. If you must issue a statement, prepare a release with an attorney and make that your final word to the media. Because they will hold your statements against you, and you don't want to have some sharp ambulance chaser making judicial theater out of some of the statements I see here.

I also note the correction at the bottom of the story. What do you want to bet ol' Scott here assumed any gun with a stock was a rifle?


  1. You think there might have been some kind of, oh, I don't know...COPYCATING going on?

    sold two empty 9 mm Glock magazines and a Glock holster

    OH the humanity! I'm still not sure what they're getting at, that the murderer was ripped off getting EMPTY mags and holsters or if they normally sell them full.

    The only thing the media's good for is laughs.

  2. Same things over at HuffPo. The PSH nonsense and lies are constant.

  3. I would bet that someone has sold both those assholes potatoes. It is a fact that 95.8% of all mass murderers have eaten potatoes in some form or another in their lifetimes.

    With a correlation that deep the situation cries for the regulation of potatoes sales. A national registry of au gratin, baked and the ever dangerous and most deadly french fry be established. Further it is incumbent upon us to demand serial numbers indelibly stamped on potato products that will withstand digestion and excretion so that these mass murderers may be identified. Laws should be passed requiring defecation by the perpetrator at the site of any mass murder in which he is a participant. This will do more to make people feel safer than anything that has been proposed so far.

    A new government program should be established to ensure that potatoes are not falling into the wrong bowels. This new governmental responsiblity to provide security for the American people should be added to the agency already tasked with endeavors of the same legitimacy.

    We should call it the BATTFE, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Tuber, Firearms and Effluvient. er, uh, I mean Explosives.


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