Sunday, February 17, 2008

UK Freedoms Up in Smoke

No one would be able to buy cigarettes without the permit, under the idea proposed by Health England...

"The senior government advisor putting this idea forward is not only adding to the red tape and bureaucracy we already have in this country.

"He is openly bragging that he wants to make the form as complex as possible to fill in."

What a sadistic, twisted martinet that sick little "government advisor" is. Why should such an obvious and despicable pervert have any sway over peoples' lives? The UK nanny state is damn near complete, if my "grasp of British culture" is firm.

By way of disclosure, I used to be a heavy cigarette smoker. I'd tried quitting many times, for years. What finally provided the motivation was my wife discovering we were expecting a child 18 years ago--I figured I owed the kid a father, quit cold and never looked back, although I do still enjoy a good cigar on weekends.

But the anti-smoking fascists are also gaining momentum on this side of the pond, to where, in many states, it's no longer a choice of restaurants and bars to allow the market or--gasp--the owner to decide based on customer demand or proprietary interest. And now it's moving into people's homes, people's cars...all with the heavy, coercive hand of the state putting a big "do as we say or else" behind their usurpation of free human choices. Because we can't be trusted to run our own lives, you see.

I've talked before about "ATF Night," a pro-RKBA monthly dinner we used to have in California (so named because we enjoyed adult beverages and cigars during the event and discussed firearm rights). The restaurant spent a quarter million dollars on a "Cigar Room," with special ventilation in a room apart from the main restaurant, so they could host gourmet dinners with fine wine and cigar tastings. Thanks to the intrusive state, we could no longer enjoy the "T" part of why we were getting together unless we wanted to huddle outside--not a pleasant prospect on a cold or wet evening.

The Nazis just can't stand to think anyone might be enjoying themselves doing something they disapprove of. And they're so intent on promoting their vision of healthy lifestyles, they'll destroy anyone who gets in their way.

Ultimately, just like with guns, it boils down to "Be safe and healthy according to our dictates or we'll kill you."

Sunshine, anyone?

UPDATE: Bottled Water "Immoral" in UK

Good grief.


  1. My grandfather used to live 'over there' and when he moved over here, still used to import his cigarettes. He died in 2002 at the age of 87. I'm glad he doesn't have to see what we are rapidly becoming.

  2. Ultimately, just like with guns, it boils down to "Be safe and healthy according to our dictates or we'll kill you."

    Works both ways.


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