Monday, February 11, 2008

Waiting to Get Shot

On the newspaper’s Web site, Ms. McNichols said she had looked up to see a police officer shot in the head, then saw the gunman shooting at a public works official. “After that, I was on my stomach under the chairs,” she said. “I laid on my stomach waiting to get shot. Oh, God, it was a horror.”

Hey, just give 'em what they want.

[Via Brillianter]


  1. It's attitudes like that that really turn your stomach. You can litterally hear the bleating of the sheep, before the bleeding of the sheep.

  2. These people obviously do not have the strength of their convictions. If they really believed in Gun Free Zones, no one would have ducked or fled or hiddesn. Each and every one of them would have calmly turned to the man and told him,"That's not allowed here, didn't you see the sign?"

    Moreover, it strikes me as hypocritical that they hide and pray for someone else to bring a firearm into a gun free zone to stop the man who already violated the restriction. Aren't they always saying two wrongs don't make a right?

    Yet, I submit there will be more calls from more of these hypocrites to inflict this immoral stupidity on even more people.

    Is it ok, if I don't lament their untimely departure should they reap the fruits of their hypocrisy and immoral cowardice?

    Don't get me wrong, I am not happy or satisfied that this happened, but I find it very hard to sympathize with people who willfully arrange their own destruction. I reserve that for people who disagree but are forced into the path of destruction by these people through the enforcement of laws by people they hire with guns to enforce it.

    That there were some who disagree with the policy in attendance is most probably true, if so they have my sympathy. Only until they aren't as loud in calling for a halt to this idiocy as are those who will use this incident to call for more of it.


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