Thursday, February 07, 2008

"Well, Let's Go Ahead and Be Honest Now"

He danced the complete Kabuki, right down to the mandatory move about considering John McCain for his VP slot. But at the end of the day, Mike Huckabee has admitted the obvious: he'll take the Veep nomination if John McCain offers it.
And there will be no shortage of self-deluded gun owners telling themselves that's good enough for them, putting a "conservative" (!!!) a heartbeat from the presidency.

Besides, McCain has promised to appoint "strict constructionist judges"--as long as we forget that such a judge would overturn his signature legislation, and as long as we disregard his enabling democrat and rino obstructionists as a Gang of 14 leader. But that isn't stopping those desperate in their denial from offering that up as a reason for hope, and joining forces with The New York Times and The Los Angles Times, not to forget Arnhole and Sly.

So by all means, let's go ahead and be honest now. Team McCain/Huckabee is transparently predictable, and would be an undisguised con job. Some no-line-in-the-sand gun owners may be able to lie to themselves about it. Don't let them lie to you.


  1. I've always been confused by the vp-pick-will-bring-in-voters concept. It presumes a voter who would not vote for the top of the ticket (McCain in this case) would vote for him because they have a chance at getting their guy into the office.

    This makes no sense. It seems like they're saying the candidate will attract voters who are hoping he dies in office.

    Personally, I'm voting for Huckabee, because I see McCain as a liberal and Romney as a flip flopping liberal. I can't vote for Dr. Paul because I feel we should stay in Iraq and finish there, then avoid imperial entanglements (as Ben Kenobi might say). Dr. Paul's position is too retreating for me.

    I'm reassured by Huckabee's position on guns, and feel more comfortable voting for him than any of the others. Dr. Paul would be my 2nd choice.

    We need to face facts on this: gunowners have lost this election already. If you have any .50 BMGs or "assault" weapons on your shopping list, get them this year.

  2. Problem is, POtPP and the likes have been drinking the Kool-Aid to long.
    Unfortunately for us, they cannot be truly counted on.

    sunt omnes unum

  3. How can gun owners not realize that Huckabee is just as bad as Hillary, Obama, McCain, or Vlad Dracula? I admit I am exagerating; Dracula is dead and can't hurt us anymore. Comforting delusions must be wonderful.

  4. Huckabee — what a whore.

    Sorry, Matt. I live in Arkansas and suffered through Huckabee's rule, which was every bit as bad a Bill Clinton's.

    The liar tried to illegally overthrow the 1874 Constitution back in 1995. He jumped right in there with his buddy, Gov. Jim Guy Tucker.

    As far as Iraq is concerned, a whole bunch of folks need to learn that National Defense begins right here at home. It's real hard to fight effectively overseas when our Intelligence agencies are thoroughly penetrated by individuals sympathetic to Communists, Islamic fundamentalists, the Aztlan movement, and every other anti-American cause.

    It won't do any good to "win" in Iraq if we collapse internally.

    By the way, Mikey likes MECHA and Aztlan. Why do you think Arkansas is a haven for illegals?

  5. McCains' and Huckabees' rule would be the same as butthead Bushs', Lex Ovis, Non Dominus. (The law is for the sheep,not the masters.)

  6. The only argument for the VP's relevance is the fact that they have an advantage in securing their party's nomination following the top guy's term.

    I think it's a weak argument.

    I'd rather have a Dem in there screwing me over than have another Rep in their betraying his constituency.

  7. I agree, FF. When it comes to being screwed, I'll take face-to-face over the alternative every time.


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