Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Another Failed Test
Nicki proves she's smarter than me. And from her credit comment, I guess Breda is, too.

Big deal. My kids are, too. Just ask them.

Actually, I just couldn't get through the test--there were too many questions where I would have to answer "Neither."

1: I don't go to the races or the opera, 2: I hate polo shirts and only wear suits when it's situation-appropriate (wore 'em too many years in the corporate world), 3: OK, I prefer eating at home, that's one, but 4 & 5: I don't see a 1960 Austin-Healey 3000, so forget it, 6: All the Bonds are anti-gun and the "Raiders" sequels didn't live up to the original, 7: Those "actresses" have a lot of gall calling themselves that in light of some of the greats from the past, 8: What is this--a choice of numbers rackets? 9: Tomorrow (actually, now it's today) I'd like to kick the wife's be-hind at Scrabble, especially since she beat me by over 120 points last night, but it was all luck, 10: Why not just send me to hell and be done with it? 11: I want "Only Ones" nowhere near me, 12, 13 & 14: Skip the foods--some day I'll talk recipes, 15. If you stranded me on an island with either one of those freaks I'd take my chances at sea with sincere sharks, 16: OK, family, 17: Can I tell him what I really think of him? 18: Credits, 19: Dependable--and as I get older, I expect I will be (that's an incontinence joke--if I have to explain them they just don't work), 20: I don't know--maybe buy them some food. I once gave the most filthy and crazy looking homeless guy I'd ever seen 10 bucks because it was Christmas Eve and a couple of "Only Ones" rousted him out of the parking lot and told him to move on--I made sure they saw me do it and wished him a Merry Christmas. I walked away feeling like the angels were smiling. He probably went out that night, fortified with newly-purchased rotgut, and strangled someone under a bridge. 21: A good and rational woman, 22: A good and rational man, 23:Good Lord, do I look like I want a life in hell? 24: Barbecue, and I do the grilling, 25: What's the line from "Family Guy"? Shallow and pedantic.

So yeah, a spiked club. I think that fits with the cultural alienation. An assault club, designed to be swung from the hip to brain as many people as possible...


  1. And we wonder WHY we are losing our rights?

    Let's see, gun owners in America are focused on WHAT?

    Where are the questionaires addressing the religious/philosophical/legal underpinnings of our rights? Where are the serious efforts to regain lost ground?

    What we need are good legal arguments, not tripe like this. Shallow and pedantic indeed.

  2. Actually, David, your's is the most accurate represenatation I've seen from that stupid quiz. A spiked club isn't easy to conceal, one has to get up close and personal (see their sweat, smell their breath kind of stuff), and the user is willing to get a little gore on himself. Never jams, no ammo, the man is the measure.

    When I grow up, I wanna be a spiked club just like you!

  3. As a general observation, I have to agree with you, Paul. There is way too much trivia and not enough substance--which is why I rail against "sport shooters" who don't give a damn about rights, and who couldn't care less what happens to EBR owners as long as they can shoot their clays or their ducks, or dress up like cowboys.

    But some of us have eaten our vegetables and a little superflous junk food won't hurt--all work and no play and all that.

    If you look at my work, I'm very much a creature of this culture, and I have to say, there is much from it I enjoy--if I can employ that culture to form a more inviting bridge for people to come on over and take a look, well, that's what I attempt to do.

    I never tried to write for magazines. I never submitted a manuscript and asked them to consider it. G&A approached me, having read an online piece where I tied RKBA in with a new Star Wars movie of all things. My next piece, for their Millenium issue, was "The New Eloi," a juxtaposition of H.G. Welles' "The Time Machine" with a "Village Voice" article, again coming back to RKBA.

    I'll use Hollywood Squares (my preferered title for G&A's "Six Degrees of Hypocrisy"), or Madonna ("Immaterial Girl" in HANDGUNS), or Britney and Courtney Love ("A Judgment Call" in GUNS), etc., if that means I can get the core message through to contmeporary Americans--a spoonful of sugar, 'n all that.

    And I have as much fun with this site as I can--if I didn't, I wouldn't do it.

    There are plenty of scholars and theologians who do a much better job of covering "religious/philosophical/legal underpinnings"--what I call "the deep end of the pool," than I am capable of--or have interest in doing. Truthfully, much of that bores me to tears and my eyes glaze over--I think I may have ADHD when it comes to dry text. I learn just enough to get by, but I'd much rather be outside climbing the monkey bars.

    You can't get most people to jump in on their end. They need to stick their toes in, wade around, acclimate themselves before venturing into deeper waters. I've never made a secret that I consider most of my efforts to be shallow-enders. My function isn't to lecture scholars, it's to encourage people to grasp the basics and then want to learn more from those who are qualified to teach them.

  4. Heh! I took that test and was rated a Glock 22 in .40 cal. I was hoping to be a Freedom Arms .454 SA Revolver! :oD

  5. David,

    I understand your point of view. And don't get me wrong, I appreciate what you are trying to do. However, 170 MILLION DEAD in the 20th century alone due to the failure of individuals to understand that they MUST shoulder the burden of their rights and responsibilities is grievous to me.

    I have never been able to finish The Gulag Archipelago (started it in High School and I am now 45) because it hurts too much to read. I read 2 or 3 pages and I have to put it down as I am too angry, upset and offended to read further. I read Michener's The Bridge at Andau, and identified with those who only wanted liberty. I despise Eisenhower for abandoning them to be slaughtered by the Russians.

    No, the price is too great to allow the liberty we have to be played away. My son will suffer, my wife and the young lady I have taken as my own daughter will suffer unspeakable horror. I know what is coming, and I know the horror of it. If at all possible, cannot allow it to happen.

    The legal underpinnings of our liberty are very simple actually. They are so simple that it is sickening what the so-called legal profession in this country has done with them.


    Liberty and personal responsibility go hand in hand and are inseparable.

    The reason people don't want to wade in the pool is not because it's deep — it's because the pool is full of BLOOD.

  6. David, you're the first one I've seen come up as a spiked club. And as many times as I've seen gun grabbers rail against guns as nothing more than a penis substitute for us phallus-challenged adults, yours actually... well... resembles a phallus!

    Oh, god. I need coffee! ;-)

  7. Good grief, Nicki! Go get your coffee! The picture I get is just not right!

    And please consider making your comments open to non-Google account people again, like David's is. I created a Google account, but Google won't remember my passwor, and won't let me create a new account. That's why I haven't been around for a while.

  8. Same with me Crotalus, I read her every day, but cannot comment.

  9. I couldn't answer those questions, either.

  10. I got way too much irritated with Mr. Piazza's hoops and declined to jump through them all to get an opinion.

    My whole damn house is filled with opinions and I don't have to jump through a damn thing to be made privy to them.

  11. Google now remembers my password, after Verizon shut me down. Still am under censorship from Verizon. What else should I have expected, with what else is going on? My wife's job is threatened by Verizon.


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