Saturday, March 08, 2008

Ideological Cleansing in the Golden State

I've heard many in the liberty movement advise taking kids out of government schools. Here's the problem--they won't let you--at least on the Left Coast. And most, under the back-breaking burden of taxes and regulations under which the average family strains to survive, simply cannot afford a private (albeit still regulated) school alternative.

Several of you have written to me about the ruling in California where the 2nd Appellate Court basically outlawed home schooling, putting over 160,000 families at risk of legal penalties if they don't bring their child in to worship at the altar of the state.

This, of course, is what happens when public employee unions abetted by fascist judges get the upper hand, and there is nothing more insidious than that alliance in the Golden State.

It would appear that even with an exodus of people from the productive sector abandoning California, they are prepared to sustain further losses (they can always raise taxes on their captive populace--or better yet--pass a bond measure that those who can't vote yet will end up obligated for)--they would rather have fewer of those people than allow their peculiar, dangerous, disrespectable way of living to continue (and give others any ideas).

We saw a similar imperious attitude when the loathsome Don Perata suggested a teenage sport shooter should leave the state and live elsewhere if she wished to continue her Olympic training.

See, those who have hijacked the term "liberal" place great stock in tolerance--as long as said tolerance consists of indoctrinating young skulls full of mush in Marxism and destruction of traditional values. Try practicing those and they quickly morph into the bigoted parochials they so abhor when they come from non-urban settings: "We don't like your kind around here."

We've heard the term "ethnic cleansing," and most of the world considers that a war crime. Here we have something evil that stabs at the very heart of human thought, spirit and liberty: Ideological cleansing.

Think like us or get out.

Stay and resistance is futile: You will be absorbed.

Oh, and those of you who do manage to get out--having to sell your home in an economic downturn, pull up roots, leave your job, friends, families to start over somewhere else, becoming essentially forced refugees in your own country: The dark cloud is spreading. It'll be coming your way again soon enough.

It'll be coming for all of us until we decide it's time to take back what is ours.


  1. You have heard of Cali. SB 1322 right David? Seems to go hand and hand with this government schooling. Since the private schools probably have to match up with the public schools....

    It's title is "communism"


  2. The time is nigh!

  3. Here is an example plan of action to handle the home schooling problem in California. Perhaps there are organizers and leaders who can put it into

    California Home School Plan of Action

    Home schoolers - do not sit there and take this abuse! Get up and take action!

    Plan: Use the left's tactics of protest and demonstration against them by exercising our Right to Free Speech and Assembly.

    There are 160,000 home schooling families affected in California. We know that a good percentage of these families have at least one person available during the workday (since they normally teach at home during the day), not including the children. This is a tremendous asset that we need to put to use to accomplish change. If we assume that half of these families have one person available during the day, that is 80,000 people who can be mustered - mustered for a march and protest on the state capital. This number is even higher if you include home schooled children who take a field trip to see and participate in the political process and exercise their first amendment rights.


    But, won't we get in trouble?
    But, won't they arrest us?
    But, wont [fill in the blank]?

    Good! It is actually good if the police beat, arrest, and tear gas us on camera. If we can show the state as bully's, abusers, and oppressors, this works to our advantage! It is not necessary for abuse to occur, but it is an added bonus for us if it does happen. It will be necessary to perform due diligence on the best methods of non-violent resistance. There are lots of resources that address this issue.


    We must bring our own video recorders to ensure the truth gets out. The mainstream media will either refuse to report it or will demonize the home schoolers, branding us as provocateurs, terrorists, etc. Place videos of the event on the internet for all to see. Contact the alternative media and bloggers for dissemination of the truth.

    Use women and children

    Videos of women and children being beaten, arrested, and/or tear gassed would be gold! Be prepared to get a little roughed up by the government. It will be a great service to our liberty.

    Hammer the Politicians and Bureaucrats

    Locate the politicians and others responsible. Many of these idiots may well be drug addicts and/or mentally ill - this may be what clouds their judgment so severely. Accost them and offer to give them a free drug test or psych evaluation, and tell them it is for the children. Demand that all public servants face mandatory drug screening and psych evaluations with public results - they have nothing to fear, if they have nothing to hide. They owe it to the public to prove that they have not breached the public trust. They may try and spin it around to drug test home schoolers and their parents. If this happens, you may need to adopt the tactics and slogans of abortionists (e.g., "hands off my body", the right to privacy, etc. See the slogans section below for more ideas). A public servant, by virtue of his public status and governmental employee status should have fewer privacy guarantees than a private citizen.

    Slogans in Favor of Home schooling

    "It's for the children!"

    "Save the children!"

    Slogans that play on the arguments of abortionists:

    "Pro-choice!" (in an educational sense)

    "Freedom of choice" (in an educational sense)

    "Pro-family, Pro-child, Pro-choice" (in an educational sense)

    "Every woman has a right to control the fruits of her own body."

    "I don't home school my children, but I support the right of others to choose."

    "If you don't believe in home schooling, then don't put your kids in a home school."

    "If you can’t trust me with a choice, how can you trust me with a child?"

    "Hands off my mind!" (used by children!)

    "It's my mind!" (used by children!)

    "Keep your laws off my mind." (used by children!)

    "Keep your laws off my child's mind."

    "If the right to privacy protects a woman's right to control the fate of her fetus, it also protect's a woman's right to control the fate of her child's mind and education."

    "Just like the right of privacy protects the private bedroom in the home from governmental intrusion, it protects the private schoolroom in the home from governmental intrusion."

    "There is nothing more private than a person's own mind. The government has no right to dictate what goes into a person's mind."

    Chants for Marches and Demonstrations

    Here are few examples. I am sure that others can think up even better ones.

    "Marx, Lenin
    Read a book and send them spinnin'" (as in spinning in their graves)

    School and Book-Related Chants (Hey, I like books!)

    "Book You!
    Book You!"
    (chant over and over)

    "Flip you!
    Flip you!" (as in turning to a new page where these idiots have been removed from the story)
    (chant over and over)


    Pass this plan to everyone you know in the home school movement, and ask them to pass it up the chain of command to all home school organizations. It is time to get organized and take action.

    Also, this is just a basic framework. There is room for plenty of change and improvement.

  4. Teach your child to read and go to prison. Nice.

    Be sure to sign the petition to request depublishing the ruling.

    At least the Gov. seems to be on our side this time:

    (03-07) 12:20 PST SACRAMENTO -- Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger promised
    today to ensure that parents have the right to homeschool their
    children, after a state appeals court ruling severely restricted the
    practice in California.

    "Every California child deserves a quality education and parents should
    have the right to decide what's best for their children," the governor
    said in a statement. "Parents should not be penalized for acting in the
    best interests of their children's education. This outrageous ruling
    must be overturned by the courts and if the courts don't protect
    parents' rights then, as elected officials, we will."

    -A Criminal Home Schooling Parent in California

  5. "Be sure to sign the petition to request depublishing the ruling."

    I signed it.

  6. Anon said: "Teach your child to read and go to prison. Nice."

    "Under a government which imprisons unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison."
    ("Civil Disobedience" by Henry David Thoreau)

  7. "Be sure to sign the petition to request de-publishing the ruling."

    I signed it too.

  8. Looks like the Golden State has been revealed to be tarnished brass.

  9. Anon sez: "If you can’t trust me with a choice, how can you trust me with a child?"

    That's just the point - they don't trust you with your child.

    I signed too, and sent a link to my friends who homeschool in case they hadn't heard about it yet.

  10. JHardin said: "That's just the point - they don't trust you with your child."

    Exactly! One of the goals of that slogan is to force them to either accept it at face value or to trick them into openly admitting that they don't trust us with our children. They don't really want to admit that they don't trust us because it will expose their hand. Their entire game plan depends upon sleight of hand and hiding the ball as to the real issues.

  11. Leftists loath and certainly do not trust any of "the people" they so claim to help.

    It's time for conservatives (the real kind), libertarians, and constitutionists to put away the keyboards and take to the streets.

    A good slogan, "Slavery is illegal, unless you're the state of California."


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