Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The Law Has to Be Obeyed

Sam Paredes, executive director of Gun Owners of California, said he hopes the technology puts an end to a nettlesome problem. Too often, he said, people unaware that past convictions barred them from owning guns would buy one and not be stopped, then face state enforcement. Paredes said the group has "no real objection" to the system.

"The law has to be obeyed," he said. "If you don't like the law, you work to change it."

Right, Sam.

Aren't we all glad the men of Lexington and Concord obeyed the law? Have you people never read Thoreau?

So when they ban guns and order them surrendered, you'll obey and turn 'em in, right?

I'm trying to figure out just what the hell good the Second Amendment is if we're going to surrender it before testing it. And what the hell good a "gun rights group" that counsels preemptive surrender is--besides making sure its lobbyists get paid.

UPDATE: 45superman has more.


  1. Arrgghh! You beat me to it again. I think you're taking unfair advantage of time zones ;-). Just kidding--great work, as always.

    I wonder if Larry Pratt knows that a state affiliate of GOA is publicly supporting (or is at least unwilling to go on record as opposing) a gun registry, "prohibited persons" list, and confiscation program.

  2. Uhhhmmmm, isn't opposing these laws actually "following the Law" ?

    I always thought that Natural Laws supersede State or Local Laws, not to mention that the Constitution kind of trumps all other Laws.

    OTOH, I've never understood the argument that the BOR only applies to the Feds. Ok, I can see the 1st Amendment which states"... Congress shall make no law." However, the 2nd says "...the rights of the people... shall not be infringed." Which implies incorporation from the get go.

    Anyway, by disobaeying or opposing Stae and Local Laws I am following Federal and Natural laws.

    Which begs the question, how can this guy feel he is following the law when he is disobeying the 2nd Amendment? (By allowing an infringememnt he is going against the 2nd.)

  3. David,

    This goes back to something Boston T. Party said.

    There's a reason the Sh-t Sandwich Republicans once again preaching the "lesser-of-two-evils" mantra over at gunboards.com and elsewhere are so terrified that Hillary/obama might win.

    Because when the order finally comes from their masters in D.C., "Mr. & Mrs. America, turn them all in", they know damned well they're going to meekly comply. Like you said, anyone who thinks that way has mentally turned them in already.

    That's why they hate people like you, me, Ron Paul, etc.

    The only thing a mole despises more than a mountain, is a mountaineer.

  4. Personally, I would prefer to be a demolitioneer rather than a mountaineer. I'm just sayin...

  5. A court process allows gun owners like the Pinole man to appeal.

    The 30 agents also stake out guns shows in California and Nevada. Weapons they recover are incinerated.

    "As soon as we burn'em," said Chinn, "more come in."

    How soon after the court process is initiated can a gun owner find out that his guns have been destroyed?

    I guess I'll just have to make damned good and sure that they don't "recover" mine. I "recovered" about 80 pieces of 1" galvanized steel pipe, between 18 and 24 inches long. I've been spending my time burying them, a few at a time, about a foot deep, all over my heavily-wooded property. That ought to keep the bastards busy.

  6. Are we to understand that Mr. Paredes endorses the Holocaust? Everything done to the victims of the Holocaust was legal.

    Lest we forget, legality is not the measure of proper behavior. Morality is.

    Mr. Paredes seems to have a problem with his moral compass. First time I ever heard of pure brass pulling a compass off true.

    I will see if I can contact him. I wonder if he knows he is a monster.

  7. every reference I found to him or GOC led nowhere with the exception of a few news items in which they were mentioned.

    I have a feeling this is just a false front false flag operation.

    Of course, I am not the most effective computer user, so I could be wrong, but it doesn't seem likely that every avenue to them would be a dead end unless by design.

    GOA may want to take a closer look at their associate.

  8. I have Kurt, all I can get is the 'website cannot be found'

  9. That's odd, SA--it opens fine for me. By the way, I didn't notice this until too late today, maybe I should call next week:

    Executive Director of GOC, Sam Paredes, appears live on Lets Talk Guns with John Conely on KCEO am 1000 radio out of San Diego on Wednesday mornings between 11 am and 1 in the afternoon.

    You can call in and talk or ask questions. 1 800 292-5236 or 1 760 720-5236. Sam joins John Conley on WSRadio which is internet, world wide, as well.

    The link to listen live to WSRadio can be accessed off of the Lets Talk Guns website. You can call in to WSRadio 1 877 474-3302 and talk live with Sam and John.

    The times listed are presumably Pacific times. Sounds like a good opportunity to ask Mr. Paredes some pointed questions.

  10. I will save everybody the trouble of having to wait to call in on "Let's Talk Guns" on WS Radio to ask questions.

    I have been fighting to save our Second Amendment rights since 1976. Gun Owners of California and Gun Owners of America are the oldest pro-gun political action committees in the country and have been fighting for over 33 years to protect our rights.

    It would be nice if folks who have questions about what they read in the press would take the time to call the source if they have any questions. But I guess cracks and comments are protected by the First Amendment...

    GOC beleives that the Second Amendment is inviolable. Law-abiding citizens shouldn't even have to go through background checks or waiting periods. These laws mean that the government is in essence granting a license to it's citizens to exercise a right if they can be proven to meet certain criteria and you and I know that depending on who is in power that criteria can change.

    Our Founding Fathers also gave us a system where we, as citizens could impact the laws that are passed if we don't like them. That is what we do. We do not advocate breaking the law but instead work to change the laws that are unconstitutional.

    If anybody has an issue with any of the political actions that we have taken in the past 33+ years feel free to let me know.

    For any other specific questions please feel free to contact me at samp@gunownersca.com. I would be happy to respond.

    By the way, if anybody is interested you can go to either GOA's website www.gunowners.org or our website to read the Amicus Curiae we wrote regarding the Heller vs. DC case that is before the US Supreme Court.

    If the court declares the Second Amendment an individual right in any way, we will change much of our focus to fighting all of the gun control laws on the books in court.

    Thank you for allowing me to respond.


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