Monday, March 10, 2008

Letters from the Asylum

These help explain why Chicago is the mess that it is:

Held hostage by 2nd Amendment
Letter writer Deb Clapp(!)resent her private gym requiring her to have her photo taken for her membership ID because "almost all photos of me are unflattering."

Her solution?

Why are the citizens of this country being held hostage by the 2nd Amendment, hindering themselves from life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in favor of the right to purchase a gun?

If people were not allowed to buy these weapons created expressly for the taking of human life, then there would be fewer mass killings.
I dunno, Deb. Personally, I'd rather you just put a bag over your head.

Tax guns

"What about a fund that taxes the gun owners according to the number of crimes and murders involving guns?" asks Terry Zelenka.

Good grief.

Y'know, it's not so much that there are stupid people out there willing to prove it so much as the "Authorized Journalists" at The Trib consider these childishly ignorant rants worthy of publication. And that there's no shortage of stockyard herbivores chewing their cuds in agreement, or predatory tyrant wannabes willing to exploit that.

[Via HZ]


  1. "What about a fund that taxes the gun owners according to the number of crimes and murders involving guns?" asks Terry Zelenka.

    Yeah - charge the people who didn't commit a crime.

    Let's take that bit of "logic" one step further: What about a fund that taxes all car owners according to the number of crimes and murders involving drunken drivers?

    How about charging the ones who commit a violent crime with commission of a crime, and if they are guilty putting them in jail? I know, it's kinda a novel idea.

    Why are so many "authorized journalists" sounding more and more like fascists?

  2. "...hindering themselves from life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in favor of the right to purchase a gun?"

    A pretty clear message to all the "pro-gun" folks out there. Hey... It's not about any of the other individual rights, it's just about the one codified in the Second Amendment. Furthermore, it's limited to the "right to own a gun". Right?

    A Right to Own a Gun: the f***ing worthless Maginot Line of the "pro-gun" movement. Glad we've left the flanks wide open for arguments like the one quoted.

    District of Columbia residents never lost their "right to own a gun"; they could have one as long as it was inoperable.

    Oh wait, I guess I'm wrong.


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