Monday, March 31, 2008

An Ocala April Fool's Joke

"I just don't expect to look out my back window and see someone with a backpack and a rifle over their shoulder, said Glenda Vietinghoff, who is scheduled to address the council at the meeting...

"BB guns of 20 years ago are not the same BB guns of today," she said, referring to her concern that some these weapons are "very realistic" in appearance.

In other worded, this witless goose is a hoplophobe, and rather than seek treatment, demands the rest of society adapt itself to accommodate her self-imposed paranoia.

How appropriate she is for bringing this up on April Fool's Day.

Here's the meeting agenda. Glenda is scheduled to honk and moo under item 4, section m (pg. 2).
Persons not on the schedule who wish to speak for 5 minutes will need to hang around through all the boring stuff until item 11, but it could be worth it, particularly if gun owners in the area could muster several dozen supporters to show up. Sometimes these meetings require you to fill out a card or form if you wish to speak during public comments, so check with the clerk to make sure you'll be recognized.

Gun owners at council meetings can be great fun, a chance to network, pass out flyers, and to reinforce that activism and numbers can make a difference, plus it's always nice to overwhelm the opposition with numbers. Besides, what the heck else is happening on Tuesday afternoon?

The meeting starts at 4:00, so some of you may need to take off work early. The address for City Hall is 151 SE Osceola Ave. Ocala, FL 34471. Here's how to get there (you'll need to set your browser to enable pop-ups to see the map).

You can also contact the council members--just understand that FL law will make your correspondence, including email adress, a public record, so you may want to use an alternate email provider, such as Hotmail or Yahoo. instead of your home edress.

This is grasssroots activism, Ocala gun owners. This is easy minuteman stuff, not like better men did on all our behalf once upon a time, but it's important nonetheless, and if you don't do it, guess what message that will send to the council?

So I guess the question is, does some guy sitting at a computer in Ohio care more about what's happening in your community than you do? Because I hope I'm not the only one putting out a call to action on this. Are you going to muster and respond, or has this post just been a waste of everybody's time?


  1. Daisy's "Spittin' Image" line didn't look like real guns, decades ago? That was the point of the line.
    My decades old Crosman 38C and 38T don't look like Smith and Wesson's? They do.
    Ms. Vietinghoff is substituting her ignorant, self-serving imagination for the facts. She's politically correct from the Marxist perspective, but factually challenged to the rest of the world.

  2. Funny, I just bought a Daisy pellet gun last week and was pretty surprised that every model offered, from either Daisy, Beeman, or Crossman, are the exact same models I had to chose from 20 years ago.

  3. When do we start telling these mental mutants that we just don't give a damn about their emotional comfort when they are so wrong as to try bend everyone to their own will?

  4. I think straightarrow has the right of it. Why worry about validating the feelings of someone who refuses to validate our sacred and inalienable liberties (which, it ought to go without saying, trump anyone's precious feelings)?


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