Thursday, March 06, 2008

This Day in History: March 6



  1. I'll never forget. However, most people think it's a freakin' rental car company, these days!...

  2. Me smart now! Me find link!

    Marty Robbins did a song called, "The Ballad of the Alamo". It's an excellent rendition of the story set to music.

  3. Robbins' version had a great Spanish guitar. The song was actually written by Dmitri Tiomkin and P.F. Webster for John Wayne's "The Alamo," and a chorus sings it at the end as the surviving women and children walk through the conquering army at the end of the film.

    A lot of people have put down that film as sappy and heavy-handed--I always kinda liked it. Traditionalists also were angered by the "revisionist" version with Billy Bob Thornton, but again, I didn't think it denigrated David Crockett the way they accused it of doing, and enjoyed that, too. And yeah, probably the least historically accurate version--the one with Fess Parker--is still my favorite, with Buddy Ebsen as Georgie Russell: "Give 'em what fer, Davy!"

    I had the obligatory coonskin hat and everything.

  4. I neglected to add I visited it several years ago--a very humbling experience if you allow yourself some quiet reflection.

  5. Thanks for posting this and remembering their sacrifice.

  6. I've not made it to the Alamo. However, I have been other places where a few brave men stood up to an empire.

    Very humbling

  7. David, I too, have been to the Alamo. It is a very special place. A place of awe and reverence for those who died for freedom. May God forever bless those men!

    I have a Kentucky Rifle, flintlock version. Mine is a new manufacture, but the design saw service in our War for Independence. Mine looks like an exact copy of Davy Crockett's rifle (I think it was his, anyway, and that rifle is an original) That truly moved me!

  8. A few years ago when all this forgive your enemies stuff was going around and TV shows were showing several WWII vets from both sides getting together to love one another a co-worker ask me if I had forgiven the Vietnamize yet. My answer to him was "no I haven't even forgiven the Mesicans yet.Mispelling intentional. BTW, I hate these little puzzeles you have to solve to post on these sites. WhoTF do thay think they're stopping from posting anyway,ferriners?


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