Monday, April 21, 2008

Educating Joedy

Police response was faulted, not school policy which is designed to prevent such occurrences.

Yeah, that design worked great.

I guess some minds are just unopenable.


  1. I posted a responce to her post yesterday but it has not been posted yet. By the way I put a link to your blog on my new web site. I should have it all up and running today

  2. Well we know why Joedy is in college, don't we. He/she is too damn dumb to be anywhere else. I wouldn't trust him/her on the end of an idiot spoon.

    Would you let this unreasoning child babysit for you? Write your insurance policy? Do a brake job on your car? Give you financial advice? Remove your child's tonsils?

    Nope, Joedy is just exactly where Joedy needs to be, in Daycare.

  3. Three million sperm, and this is the one that made it? Dumberer and dumberer.


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