Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Nick Wants Your Kids

From GOA:

Nickelodeon has contacted Gun Owners of America and offered us a wonderful opportunity to get out the pro-gun message to young people.

They want some teenagers (between 11-15 years of age) to appear on the May 13 taping of Nick News which will run later that month. Specifically, they would like to interview kids from all over the nation:

1. Who can talk about the right to keep and bear arms,
2. or Who have seen an example of armed self-defense in their home.

They need about ten kids. In some cases, Nickelodeon will fly a team out to your home to film your kids taking target practice, answering questions, etc. In some cases, they will fly your child (along with one parent) for an all-expenses paid trip to New York on May 12, for the taping which will occur the following day.

No doubt, they will probably have kids who tout the anti-gun position. But if you think you have a well-spoken teen who can handle this challenge, please contact Gun Owners of America at goamail@gunowners.org or at 703-321-8585.
I see where this is being greeted with suspicion on some forums, which doesn't surprise me, as they are too often places where new ideas are strangled in their cribs by dullards or those with agendas.

Yeah, Nick's a bunch of libs, and there are no doubt those who would like to distort/take out of context/edit, manipulate, load questions, etc., but it also looks like there are those who at least want to make it look like they're interested in both sides. If you have a kid who knows what he's/she's talking about, they can handle it.

The alternative is no representation.

Talk to your child if you think they have the knowledge, presence and desire to do this.


  1. Oddly surprising that they would contact GOA and not NRA.

  2. The wanted GOA instead of NRA because they wanted a pro-gun perspective.


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