Friday, April 04, 2008

Private Rodham

Bill Clinton Says Hillary Tried to Join the Army

Hillary says she tried to join the Marines.

Sniper fire is getting pretty thick around here.


  1. In 1975, Hillary had just graduated from Yale, and had just received her law licence. She was making plans to get married to Bill. She had just landed a job with a prominent anti-war attorney's law firm.

    She says she tried to join the Marines, and HE says it was the Army.

    You know, I think these two don't even know when they're lying any more.

  2. "Sniper fire is getting pretty thick around here."

    You know, it's true--just this morning I had to perform a corkscrew landing* at work and run across the parking lot to the door with my head down.

    *No easy trick in a '99 Malibu, let me tell you.

  3. You're right, it *is* getting a bit thick, but it's not from any gunfire... :)

  4. David, I have to stop here, my tears are making my keyboard smoke and my ribs hurt. great blogging today.

  5. I may have just vomited in my mouth. The Marines would have eaten the bitch for lunch, spit out the bones and fed the remains to their bulldog.

  6. hopefully not Nicki, I would hate to see Marines poisoned.

  7. bob r, that is something of which I was unaware, but I must say it held no surprise for me at all.

    there is a word that starts with a "c" that I always hesitate to use because it is so ugly and also because my wife would hit me for it. But even she has used it to describe the abomination under discussion. It is fitting. She is like one court's decision about pornography, she has no redeeming virtues.

    Isn't this just a grand election cycle, a sociopathic megalomaniacal liar, a sociopathic megalomaniacal racist and liar, and a sociopathic megalomaniacal opponent of the first amendment?

    I think I will write in Alfred E. Neuman.


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