Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Stuff of Fairy Tales

Trolls under bridges, that is.

Except this one was put there by the government.

Mr. Sinatra, your cue please:
Fairy tales can come true,
it can happen to you...


  1. they release 34 of these creatures every month in one small kinda rural county.......

    Why again should I not be entitled to a permit (if I acquiesce that one is required) and the PRESUMPTION of self protection?

    Please splain.

    Thank you

  2. "where can they live?"

    Hell, perhaps?

    And anonymous is right: the gov't thinks we must make room for these subhuman deviates, but gun-owners are nothing less than the spawn of Satan, and must be eliminated.

  3. Why again should I not be entitled to a permit (if I acquiesce that one is required) and the PRESUMPTION of self protection?

    Leaving aside the issue of a permit being "required" (I content that the Washington constitution says no), Washington State is "shall issue"; no reason needed, no "training", no gun registration, they don't even ask if you own a gun. The only requirement is that you meet the Federal requirements to possess a firearm -- though that's not quite how they word it, but that is the effect.


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