Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Wally World is Watching You

Wal-Mart, the nation’s largest seller of firearms, announced Monday it will toughen rules for gun sales, from storing video of purchases to creating an internal log of which guns they sell that are later used in crimes.

So you would want to patronize them why again?

Let's see if any of the major gun groups are going to organize a boycott.

In the mean time, the best way to register displeasure over this is by writing a letter, not an email to:
Lee Scott
Wal-Mart President & CEO
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Bentonville, Arkansas 72716-8611

[Via HZ]


  1. I wasn't aware that many criminals buy their guns at WalMart.

    (Now, if it had been Kmart, I could believe that.)

    Just one more reason to boycott them.

  2. I usually buy $200 - $300 worth of ammo each month at Wal-Mart. Not any more. They can kiss my business goodbye.

  3. Wally World has already removed the gun section from half or maybe three quarters of their stores. In my area only two out of eight still sell firearms. I don't think you can even buy ammo at the rest any more.
    That decision alone limited access to firearms for countless folks. Add in the recent attacks on dedicated dealers by the BATFE, it's not hard to spot the trend, is it?

  4. Who are they keeping this video registry of firearm buyers for?

    The Chinese Government???

    Fight islam Now

  5. Here is the response I got to an email sent this morning to Wally World:

    Thank you for your message.

    Dear John,

    Wal-Mart understands its role as a leading, responsible retailer in the U.S. and is making strides to strengthen its already existing security processes to help combat illegal gun activity in the communities we serve. Wal-Mart has a long and proud history of offering the products hunters and outdoorsmen want and need and that will not change.

    It is important to note that these procedures should not impede law-abiding citizens from purchasing firearms at our stores that sell them. These processes merely provide us, as a retailer, an additional mechanism to assist law enforcement when illegal activity occurs.

    We are hopeful these enhanced processes  with help from law enforcement and other retailers committing to do the same  can make a positive difference in our communities.

    Thank you,
    Wal-Mart Customer Relations

  6. As distasteful as WalMart's decision to treat *all* of their customers as criminals, the utterly vast majority of whom are peaceable law-abiders, this is a decision by a privately-owned company regarding how they handle matters at their privately-owned property.

    Certainly worth a letter to point out the stupidity in archiving video of people buying firearms at WalMart (i.e. long guns only, passing all the government checks, etc.), but not something on the same level of moral treason as a similar decision made by the government.

  7. I disagree, anon, because they are not handling things privately--they are doing it for the express purpose of being able to share it with the government disarmament clique--in other words, they are acting as collaborators. That's moral treason in my book.

  8. I don't disagree with you in that it is distasteful in the extreme, only in that, by WalMart's nature as a private company, a free person can choose, without harmful consequence, to spend his or her money elsewhere.

    If this were an edict of the government, then We the People would have no choice, be unable to avoid such undesirable activity, and should we choose to take measures to avoid the edict, we'd face the possibility of being shot like a dog by black-clad thugs bearing assault rifles and wearing body armor.

    Last I'd checked, WalMart didn't have any body armor in stock. ;)


  9. please see lawdog's post and be sure to read the comments here:



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