Tuesday, May 13, 2008

BATFU Can't Be Burdened

In evaluating the burden to ATF, the Court should consider the “cumulative” impact on ATF, i.e., the likelihood that ATF would be burdened with request for deposition testimony in other cases.

Slightly further down that same page, you find this:

ATF properly determined that the burdens to ATF from having the ATF employees respond to written questions outweighs any benefit to Adventure Outdoors.

Ahab shows us how BATFU is throwing Adventure Outdoors under the bus by reneging on agent depositions.

I guess they only have resources to support legal proceedings for shutting down gun dealers. Funny how that works, isn't it, almost as if they have an agenda...?


  1. Hahahaha...

    Ok, I am involved in court cases where the other side tries to do this kind of thing. Suffice to say, the Judge didn't like the other side to do this. And the Judge brings his wrath down on this kind of stuff.

    However, that being said, I've never dealt with the ATF in court cases. The Judge, if he is at *all* fair, will make the ATF employees give depo's, and videotape them as well. Perhaps we can get these posted online.

  2. Let's see: the right to confront an accuser and to see the evidence against one. That's in that much-ignored Bill of Rights.
    If that's too much of a burden, then all charges should be dropped and all accusations expunged as if they were never brought.

  3. Didn't the BATFE send a letter to Bloomberg telling him he could get into legal trouble if he kept the illegal stings going?

    That sort of eliminates that cumulative impact of future cases if there is not much likelyhood of any future illegal stings.


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