Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A Blatantly False Swipe?

Here's an exchange you may find interesting. Let's hope it's discussed in detail at the Annual Meeting.

-----Original Message-----
From: len savage
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 10:00 AM
To: Sanders, Robert E.; Brown, LtC. Robert K.
Cc: Ouimet, Jason
Subject: US v. Olofson

Yesterday the government has redefined what a machine gun is--any firearm that malfunctions and fires more than one round before jamming. [US v. Olofson]

I am awaiting the transcript of the hearing, however:

Judge Clevert [I am told] stated is does not matter what ammunition, or what error rate ATF testing has, or that a malfunction occurred, or even if it required ATF to modify the firearm, just that more than one round be fired per function of the trigger.
Every firearm in possession of your membership is a "machine gun" under this narrow interpretation. This is scientific fact, not my opinion. For example:
*A double barrel shotgun firing both barrels with a single trigger pull.
*A Colt single action loaded with thin primer ammo. [the pierced primer will "fan" the hammer with gas pressure] Look up Georgia machine gun statute, they exempted it by stating a machine gun must fire more than 6 shots per function of the trigger.
*The ATF firearms technology branch can test a rifle 100 different times, if they can manipulate it just once out of 100, your indicted.

The NRA's Jason Ouimet has been aware of this situation at ATF since before the congressional hearings on "the Virginia gun show incident" [I was supposed to testify at the hearings about the ATF testing issues at that time]. Much to my frustration, the hearing I was supposed to testify at was canceled. According to Jason, it was NRA who pulled the plug on me.

Now that the whole of the NRA membership is in jeopardy just by owning a firearm, will Wayne LaPierre, Chris Cox, and the NRA board going to do something about this during this week's convention?

Please pass this on to them:

Words will not be sufficient. If this gets "unplugged", as in the NRA refuses to address this issue, I WILL no choice but to go to the media with documents and emails from NRA that were generated during the last round of hearings. I WILL pull back the rug and show the world where NRA swept this mess under to hide it.

Please forgive my abrupt and obtuse attitude. It is born of frustration, and deaf ears of the NRA leadership. I am there if I can to help the NRA, thus to date the NRA have refused to address this.

My question to NRA leadership:

Is this weekends convention going to be your finest hour, or will this be noted in history as the beginning of the end of the NRA?


Len Savage
Historic Arms LLC


Original message from "Ouimet, Jason" :


You sent me an email not long ago titled "olive branch" where you indicated that you wanted to be able to have an open dialogue with me and keep me posted on relevant firearms, issues, cases, etc. and I agreed. However, in this email you took as nasty , blatantly FALSE swipe at me and the NRA, and sent it to other people I don't even know. So from this point forward consider our relationship terminated. Do not call or email me again in the future.



From: len savage
Sent:Wed 5/14/08 10:18 AM
To: Ouimet, Jason



By the way those "Unknown people" are on the NRA legislative action committee. As a Federal liaison you don't know them?

Cut the crap Jason, when is the last time you took my calls or answered a voice mail to call me back?

Len Savage


  1. I would love to say "unbelievable" to Jason's reply, but with the NRA, such has become so believable to me I have canceled my membership, and tell others to join more pro-gun groups.

    As disgusted I am with the entire situation, I'm moreso disgusted with the NRA. If you won't stand to defend a man like Olofson, WHO will you stand with to defend? Waiting on the sidelines to be invited? Please. You are just as guilty as the prosecution in this case.

  2. Just to add, I don't know Len, but from what I have read of him, I would be proud to call him, and Mr. Olofson, friend.

  3. The NRA leadership has moved VERY quickly ... to let attendees know that no firearms will be allowed in the convention hall because of McCain's Secret Service detail's concerns.
    I'd say they are no longer a factor.
    And, Mr. Savage, getting no reply from them is pretty much a universal experience, as I'm sure you're aware.

  4. When I was a member, they never answered any of my questions and refused to addess any of my concerns. All they could or would do is keeping begging for more and more money. I am sick and tired of the NRA, their constant compromising, money grubbing and refusing to stand up for people who have been targeted by BATFECES. They are more than useless, they are an anchor around our necks.

  5. With McCain showing up, the last thing the NRA wants is Olofson in the news. Bank on it.

  6. I became an endowment member a number of years ago before I realized the nra is part of the problem. I have written guessing over a hundred times asking them to do what they claim to do and have only received 2 arrogant replies, both saying that I should toe the party line and that I was misbehaving by not being a sycophant. They have endorsed every fed anti bill that has come down the pike since and including the 34 nfa law, and undercut many state groups trying to pass better legislation. The nra is truly the largest anti gun group in the country and has done more harm to the cause than all the Brady friends put together. Len, PLEASE "pull the rug" and let some truth be exposed about these lying, backstabbing, self serving politicians and bureaucrats, and many thanks for your efforts.

  7. The only swipe going on is the NRA swiping membership money under false pretenses.

    That's your false swipe, and exactly why I left the NRA (No Rights Allowed).

  8. I wonder if NRA members could file a class action suit against the NRA for taking their money under false terms.
    It would be easy to show the NRA isn't a Second Amendment action group. Once the High Court makes it's ruling that the Second Amendment means what it states. The NRA will be on the wrong side of the ruling having been behind and supporting too many gun laws that keep firearms out of the hands of free men.
    Two words for the NRA: Bite Me!

  9. If I have it right this guys gets his day in court today. If anyone has any up-dates please make them known.

  10. Olofson? 30 months in prison, joe. Then probation. For doing nothing wrong.
    Any comment from NRA, anyone? "Get broken rifles fixed, and work within the system to change the law"?
    My congressman is excited about a bill to implement "guidelines" for BATFU. My guidelines are "shall not be infringed."

  11. My congressmen are excited about their healthcare and pensions, and the fact that we pay for their leased cars.

    For those that haven't read all of the letters the JPFO posted from Len, they are a must read.

    And, further, is this "Jason" guy this one?

    This is the same one that doesn't know who the others are on the email Len sent???? Seriously!??!


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