Friday, May 23, 2008

Bloomberg Gets a Pass

“I’m not going to permit the case to turn into a media show on either side,” Judge Weinstein said in court to a city lawyer, Kenneth Taber. “I see no reason to have the mayor here. From the city’s point of view, he doesn’t add anything to your case.”
What about from Jay Wallace's point of view? Might it add anything to his case? Or are we being told there'd be no benefit to a cross examination?

Is there really nothing to learn about...oh, I don't know...conspiracy and having Bloomberg under oath? I mean, it's not like some states and even the feds haven't warned him about running afoul of their laws and screwing up current investigations.

And it's not like Weinstein hasn't been a silent partner throughout all this.

I do note the article says Wallace's attorney could not be reached, so I don't know if he would consider this a favorable development or not. I'm just commenting as an outsider looking in. From over here this looks staged, and my first reaction is to wonder if the city attorney is shedding crocodile tears.

Whatever you do, PLEASE don't throw me in that briar patch!


  1. The best judge money can buy.

  2. This judge is a disgrace to the whole system and mocks any kind of known justice.
    If we had any kind of decent reps in the senate this judge would be giving his walking papers.

  3. I have been corresponding with my representative about the possibility of impeaching Jimm Larry Hendren. His staff answered that they don't have the power to do so.

    When I proved them to be lying, I was no longer on their list of "nice" people.

    These sonsofbitches know, they just approve.


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