Saturday, May 03, 2008

"I Think I Owe Something to the People Who Died"

The firearms dealer who illegally sold Sulejman Talovic a pistol-grip shotgun should have known the 18-year-old planned to use the weapon for murder, a survivor of the deadly Trolley Square shootings claims in a lawsuit.
Yeah. What's with that guy not being able to read minds and predict the future?

I guess it hasn't occurred to any of the victims that "emotional and physical damages" might have been reduced or eliminated altogether if they'd assumed responsibility for protecting themselves? No one computes that what ultimately stopped Talovic was another armed man?

If they really want to blame someone, why not blame...the shooter?

But if they're looking for deep pockets, and for people who really "should have known," why not go after the folks who established and enforced the murderer empowerment zone?

If the surviving victims truly think they owe something to the people who died, why not work toward ensuring people have the means to survive and prevail against future attacks, instead of mandating the advantage to the monsters among us? Don't they owe at least that much to the living?


  1. These killings rest at the feet of the government and media if we are going to play pin the tail on the donkey. The government should know better then to bring in Moslems into this country because they deeply hate Christians and Jews. The Moslem bible tells them to hate and kill non-Moslems. The Dark Ages were all about Islam trying to take over the world and they burned every book they could get their hands on so only the koran would be the only book mankind would have. Thanks to St. Patrick having the monks copy books for centuries save mankind's history in print before the Black Death of Islam attack the world.
    Nevertheless, this killer at the mall in Salt Lake City had his body sent back to Balkans where he was giving a hero's burial. These people hate us and the killings are going to keep coming because the media tell us Islam is peaceful. Islam is anything but peaceful and the history of Islam clearly shows it a very violent and deadly cult without any reasons but to obey into submission.
    The government should never bring these people into the country because they hate us. Every time any American fly in the US we have to go through security by TSA. We have to do this because we have Moslems in the US. It's not Irish who want to kill people and fly planes into buildings.
    Two things all killers have in common: They were on or on mind controlling drugs and were born in another country.
    Diversity did not make America the country it is. The people who made this country were all white Europeans that believed in the same God. The melting pot term doesn't apply to all races because not all races are able to live next to their fellow man without engaging in violence. Sad but that's the raw truth.

  2. I didn't type "and/or" for killers. It's FDA approved drugs or having been born in another country. One or both apply to killers.

  3. About 30 Virginia Tech students participated in the Brady LIE-in for gun control at the memorial ceremonies on April 16.
    About 50 Tech students attended the speech by the gun dealer who sold Cho a pistol and also sold equipment to the NIU killer. He expressed support for concealed carry on campus and everyone's responsibility for his/her own safety. He offered to sell all college students handguns at dealer cost: no profit.
    Those who think it through realize the best way to remember the victims is to prevent future victims. And the ONLY way to do that is the BE THERE, PREPARED, not helpless and scared.

  4. Just one question. Should he win a large settlement is he then going to give it to the gunshop owner who sold the firearm to the off duty cop who stopped the killer?

    Ok, two questions. Doesn't he owe something to his savior? Don't they all?

    Oh my, look how one question just leads into another when someone is running a bad scam.


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