Friday, May 16, 2008

McCain Reaches Out to Lefties

You know, because he's the gun owners' pal.

There's room in the Big Tent for everyone! Except maybe we deluded few who believe in archaic and unpopular notions like core principles mattering.


  1. Alienate your Republican party base, then appeal to people who wouldn't ... er, throw a cup of water on you if you were on fire because you're "four more years of Bush"? Does he have a "Republicans for Obama '08" sticker on his car?
    There's ONE candidate: BaraClintObaMcCain.

  2. McCain is a creep who can't be trusted in my book.
    He will not be able to pull in decent and honest Americans to vote for him and it's going to cost him his chance to be president. He must not want the job very much is the way I see it.
    Screw him, we can vote for Bob Barr.

  3. Apparently, McCain just told the NRA in Louisville that he supports banning private sales, except for between members of the same family. Snowflakes in Hell was liveblogging.

  4. It is always a sad thing for a countryman of any country to see a bona fide war hero desert his country and its principles.

    It is an obscenity of character that said war hero was a hero for no other reason than his concern for himself. I believe McCain falls in this group of few disloyal heroes.

    I will not vote for him. I hope nobody votes for him. I mean nobody. Not one vote other than his own. Won't happen, but I can hope.


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