We, for our parts, are determined to live free, or not at all; and are resolved, that posterity shall never reproach us with having brought slaves into the world.
I'm not free. Neither are my children and grand-children. But that is something we shall have to remedy. The whole bucket of slop is my inheritance from "The Greatest Generation". Stung by the horrors of Depression and the War, they came home and voted more taxes, greater security and less freedom. I'd rather live in a free country than a superpower. Some one will say, but the superpower will overwhelm the free country. Maybe. But life in the superpower,well, the superpower has to make its' people knuckle under to it, too, otherwise it would lose its' standing among the other dictatorships. So, with great power comes......great tyranny.
I'm not free. Neither are my children and grand-children. But that is something we shall have to remedy. The whole bucket of slop is my inheritance from "The Greatest Generation". Stung by the horrors of Depression and the War, they came home and voted more taxes, greater security and less freedom. I'd rather live in a free country than a superpower. Some one will say, but the superpower will overwhelm the free country. Maybe. But life in the superpower,well, the superpower has to make its' people knuckle under to it, too, otherwise it would lose its' standing among the other dictatorships. So, with great power comes......great tyranny.