Friday, May 16, 2008

The Usage Creeps

"I know that my son would not have died if he had not been Tasered and I know that he did not deserve the treatment he encountered at the Vancouver airport," Zophia Cisowski told a public inquiry into the use of the weapon.
Sorry, lady.

Judge Ted Schneiderman, aka "CSI Akron," says you're wrong.

I do like the term "usage creep," but I mean it as a personal description.

1 comment:

  1. The police tried talking to him for 30 SECONDS before they zapped him as he just stood there. He doesn't speak any English.
    He had been barricading a waiting-area door with furniture, distraught that his mother hadn't shown up yet. He was afraid she had been prevented from leaving her country. Or maybe he's read about our TSA.
    Our medium-size city has an "international" airport only because there's a flight to Bermuda. Yet they have access to the local university's volunteer language bank translators. I bet that modern Vancouver might have something like that, but the police had "more important business out on the street," just like the cops who tasered a disoriented man in a hospital bed.


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