Wednesday, June 04, 2008

BATFU to Nevadans: "Read the Last Two Letters of Our Acronym"

Beginning July 1, 2008, Nevada’s Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) permits will no longer qualify as an alternative to a National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) check through the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). [More]
Loose translation in a nutshell:
You're not good enough.

You don't meet our traditional high standards of excellence.

You will be absorbed.

Resistance is futile.
Because everyone knows Nevada CCW holders represent a demonstrable threat to public safety, because "federalism" means the feds call the shots, and because "shall not be infringed" doesn't mention imperial mandarin Audrey Stucko not being able to issue "obey or else" proclamations to American gun owners--under the guise of "services."

Oh, and because it's less dangerous than going after violent criminals--waddya think, we're stucko on stupid?

[Via joefm]


  1. They said that there were shortcomings in the CCW permit process but they don't tell what those shortcomings are???

    I love this last line:

    "We hope that your transition to this new procedure on July 1, 2008, will not be an inconvenience.
    As always, we thank you for your cooperation."

  2. I wonder the same thing as well, what is the problem.

    I do know this about NV and federal law enforcement of firearm laws. Two woman senators from CA are very unhappy with the gun laws in NV. They hate the Las Vegas show and the Big Show in Reno. Both shows are crawling with federal police. The problem for NV is folks from the Marxist state of CA go there to buy firearms in open sales. This just drives these two senators crazy and they pound on the desk and demand federal police to make arrest and clamp down on that other state from every angle federal police are able.
    A lot of federal round up have happened in NV, and the other state that is a target for these two senators is AZ. You bet that these two senators have a relationship with the governor of AZ and push her to veto any gun laws that favor that state's citizens right to own, carry and use firearms.

  3. Just suppose, as a thought experiment, that Nevada were to reply, "Ten-pound hammer. Big pile of sand. Get pounding." What would the consequences and implications be? Several states have done approximately that with regard to RealID....

  4. If NV did that fine but the FFL's are stuck in the middle because they have to suck up anything BATFE tells them to stay in business.
    I have always wondered if a state started a warehouse and started a firearm wholesales to state firearm shops, SFL's. Doing this to cut the federal government out of the picture. If tracing or anything was needed to be checked out the fed had to go to the state such information and had no legal power over SFL's dealers.
    Just a thought.

  5. Nevada's governor could just expell every federal law enforcement agent in his state. And arrest any that stay under any circumstances.

    He could call it Project Exile.

  6. All that being said, I hope the good people of Nevada are descending en masse upon the legislators that didn't get the job done.

  7. Not unexpected.
    If your carry permit is no good in national parks, federal office buildings, etc., ad nauseam, maybe they have plans to make it just a piece of deity-cursed, expensive, hard-won paper. Check federal, state and local laws and all their possible interpretations -- including by the malicious and emotionally ill and mentally deranged -- before you apply.

  8. Federal law only requires that the permit that is exempt be valid for 5 years or less and a NICS check must be ran and come back clear before it is issued.

    I don't know what changed in Nevada law, but the exemption criteria is not difficult to comply with.

  9. Waitaminit, gunstar - my WA state CPL is both of those and I *still* have to submit to a NICS check when I buy a gun...

  10. As I read it, it's not a change in state law but a BATF "reinterpretation" of its own regulations that has the FORCE of law. It's their pattern. They don't care what the legislature or the governor say.
    So *I* say ... tick tock.
    A single-minded intent on having someone's name in a database (you think NICS records are destroyed as required by law? Ha) EVERY time they THINK about buying a gun... even PROVEN non-criminals? What might they do with that list?
    Pair it with their intent to eliminate citizen-to-citizen private sales and trades. Every gun a registered gun, and every owner. Triple redundancy: concealed carry permit, NICS list and Form 4473.

  11. I have a ccw here in MO, I've had TS clearances, background checks by the Treasury Dept, etc, etc... I'm retired military... the gov knows just about everything there is to know about me. Yet my 'instant' NICS checks ALWAYS come back delayed....


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