Sunday, June 15, 2008

Blinding Us With "Science"

The Science of Gun Control

Local background checks are more effective at reducing suicides and homicides than federal checks.
Yeah, the violent criminal underclass where the overwhelming incidents of abuse occur will be lining right up. And, of course, the costs of delaying or prohibiting purchases is never part of the equation.

Science. What, are you guys holding up test tubes or something?

From Newsweek--now there's a source we can trust!


  1. "Zis canister of Zyklon-B iss guarrranteed to convince ze rrreluctant to rrrrelingquisch zehr veppns. And it leaves no messy ring in ze showerrrss."
    Krrriminalsss? Ve are not concerrrrned mit krrrriminals. Zey are no kommmmpetition vatzoeverrr. Many of zem verrrk FORRR uns.

  2. LOCAL backgroin (whoa, interesting typo. I'm leaving it) checks put the POWER right back in the hands of your feudal lords, the police chief or sheriff, town or city council. I know in some states a personal inteview with your local top cop is necessary to ask for a permit to buy a handgun. Yesterday we read about one who has only ever issued ONE permit, to a prosecutor. He says fewer guns, less crime.
    May Newsweek be one of the first media outlets to be nationalized. "The report, which has the elegant simplicity of the best research..."
    The report, by a THIRD-YEAR MED STUDENT..." Remember, they're taught that guns are a disease and we are Typhoid Mary.

  3. From what the article says, they seem to have (yet again) ignored the difference between causation and correlation. A classic mistake in statistical analysis, and one the anti-gunners make repeatedly enough that I can only assume it's deliberate.

    Bad science preached to the masses in the hope that we won't notice.

  4. I bet they believe astrology is a science also.


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