Tuesday, June 17, 2008

For the Record(s)

Cleveland Police, along with federal Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) agents, served a search warrant on a Cleveland business last Friday.
That's Cleveland GA, by the way.

They took his records but left his guns?

He's allowed to keep and sell them, but not replace them?

I don't know what's going on yet, but am trying to find out.

If you can shed any light, please do.

Oh, and snazzy BATFU logo, isn't it? It'd look great on an armband.


  1. Does their logo signify that they are the key to justice?

    I think they believe they are.

  2. When are they going to replace the scales of justice with the Nazi swastika? They certainly don't deserve to have the scales after what they did to Olofson.

  3. The question we should be asking of the Cleveland GA police and all our local law enforcement agencies is: "WHY are you cooperating with these unconstitutional thugs?" Do they think that if they do they WON'T be held accountable later for their crimes just because the Batfags are calling the shots? As in, "I was only following orders!"

  4. All traitors to the Constitution and Bill of Rights are in need of a correction for violating their Oath of Office.

    Tar and feathering should be brought back, same with public hangings, IMO.

  5. I take it the anonymous tarrer-and-featherer has not seen the recent John Adams HBO miniseries. There's a scene in the first (or second?) episode where a Tory gets the boiled chicken treatment. You would do well to watch it, to remember why we have Amendment #8.

  6. Matt:

    I'll bet the fictional boiled Tory did not err again, and also that fellow fictional Tories were potentially dissuaded from future depredations.

    Fictionally speaking, of course.

    Pretty sure the 8A's prohibition of cruel & unusual punishments would not apply to private action, as opposed to state action.

    Seems that I remember a whole British colony getting populated with fleeing Tories and their statist ilk during the course of the First Unpleasantness.

    To paraphrase Homer Simpson:

    "History's useful, 'cuz it's true."

    Yours for Liberty,


  7. I'm still partial to the old Sons of Liberty broken window tactic. Unfortunately, apparently no one else is.

  8. Boston Commissioner of Customs John Malcolm would have it out with you, concerned american. Tell you what: since you don't quite understand the pain and violence involved, go fill your bath with 140 degree water, and sit in it for 30 minutes or so. You'll experience first degree burns within seconds, and if the heat is sustained, you'll soon have second degree burns, or possibly worse. Now, water radiates its heat relatively quickly compared to tar, so it isn't as bad. But just remember - not only does the tar stick, but it insulates.

    I ask you straightly - do you approve of such measures?

    You are correct, sir, the 8th amendment applies to the government, not to a mob, but only because the mob ignores civilities such as due process and trial by jury.

    Do unto others, sir, lest you be done unto. I would not wish a tarring and feathering on my worst enemy. Execution would be far more humane.

  9. ok, execution it is.

  10. Not sure where to make this suggestion but why not have an on-line form for dealers that will not let the form be printed unless all requirements are met? I completely disagree with the whole ATF process anyway believing that the 2nd amendment is the only rule the federal govt should have but maybe this will allow for a way to make sure the requirements are met..

  11. Stan, that would make too much sense, and be too efficient for the license holder. Besides, do you trust the ATF to not keep a record of the submission, regardless of what the law says? I don't.


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