Friday, June 20, 2008


From "Maximum Mike" to "Moderate Mike":

Sullivan added that most licensed gun dealers are law-abiding and that, to be fair, ATF needs to apply the rules more uniformly across the country.
Holding out the olive branch:

We don't even want the Alabama Free Militia people to be injured...
We just want them to, you know, obey us or be destroyed.

Why how very reasonable and common sense.

This is a dangerous time. If Congress does not pass a new "assault weapons" ban, who wants to lay odds that BATFU won't step up efforts to "reinterpret" things...?


  1. "Uniformly"? Like, maybe, "apply Chicago gun laws to the whole country"?

    Where do you get "moderate"?

    Phillep Harding

  2. You're a little late David.
    Read the details of the Olofson trial and tell me that BATFE has not already "reinterpreted" the 1934 NFA to encompass any semi auto they want to "test" into a machine gun.
    If this case is not overturned on appeal we are all so screwed, and a finding in our favor from SCOTUS won't mean a damn thing. They're just saving the public from those evil machine guns after all.

  3. I don't think I'll be in the mood to be arrested. I may have to "reinterpret" the noise ordinances, among others.

  4. The SCOTUS "ruling" won't mean a dam thing to ANYONE outside of DC.


  5. Text from:

    about the story here:

    "I asked about what i read in the news and he informed me that it was the regular ATF visit and they found a form that didn't have Male/Female box checked and they told him "We can shut you down for this". From what i could tell, he was tired of the ATF's strong arm tactics and abuses. He said he decided to quit selling firearms, so he gave them the license. He mentioned something about how the ATF is shutting down gun shops about once a month or so in GA.... so add him to the list. He said there wasn't any "illegal guns"... just thank newspaper reporters for failing to report correctly again."

  6. What defender said in the 3rd comment...


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