Monday, June 09, 2008

George Saxton, New American

But others applauded the initiative. George Saxton of Capitol Hill was pulled over in his black Ford Focus after dropping off his niece near the checkpoint. He said those who are complaining about the initiative probably have something to hide.
Congratulations, George. That's just the response we've been waiting to hear.

You won't mind if we do a cavity search on you and your niece, now, will you? Lotta drugs in the Trinidad area--and now that we know you have nothing "to hide," we're sure you won't be one of "those who are complaining."

[Via Jeffersonian]


  1. Pretty suspicious, him dropping her off first, wouldn't you say, comrade?
    All it takes.
    People in Boston and DC stated flatly, "No you can't come in and search unless you have a warrant." Maybe the conditioning of not being able to have a handgun in the home, but their "victory" over voluntary home searches, makes a checkpoint ON THE CORNER not seem so bad.
    Dumbing liberty down.

  2. I am just about ready to give up and dig my hole in the ground.

    I pointed out on a newspaper website yesterday that cops becoming online predators to catch online predators is a case of "two wrongs don't make a right" and was immediately called a pedophile and other names. (

    No one wants to take responsibility for their own lives anymore, but wants to hand control over to the enforcers and bureaucrats.

    This guy at the checkpoint is just a symptom of the same brain-dead zombiism. The people in this country are so brainwashed that unless something incredible happens soon, we are doomed.

  3. I'm haunted by the story of an Arab family stopped at a checkpoint at night in their Mercedes somewhere in the Middle East. Must have been fairly prominent or I doubt we'd have heard about it.
    The soldiers ordered the driver to turn off the engine, which he did. Then they ordered him to turn off the headlights, but in late-model cars, the headlights have a delay timer so you can get to your front door or whatever unless you turn them off BEFORE killing the engine.
    Anyway, the troopies got spooked with this "failure to cooperate" and opened up on the car, killing the man, his wife and two daughters.
    It's just a matter of time...


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