Monday, June 30, 2008

Heller High Water

My best friend is a Public Defender in Phoenix. Hard-corps Jew, entire family wiped out in the Holocaust except his dad (who was 17 at the time). Political Science professor as well - he and I went to college together, and he is a big 2nd Amendment supporter (for obvious reasons). We talked about Heller yesterday and here is what he has written, after reading it all - his lawyerly opinions are quite insightful, and should give us hope (and some fear) as well.

This really is a good analysis, and deserves wider distribution. Pay special attention to his concerns about registration.

On a side note, I finished and sent in my Heller column to the magazine yesterday, and thought I'd come up with an original title: "The Heller High Watermark." I see from Google that while that exact title hasn't been used, enough have jumped on the pun. I don't see much point in changing it now--I bumped an earlier submission to get this one in under the wire--and it looks like all the "good" puns (are there such things?) have already been exploited anyway.

[Via HZ]


  1. Having myself lost many family members to Hitler and the gang. I am totally PO'ed at the fact that the 1968 Gun Laws are word for word copied from Hitler's 1938 gun laws.
    Some how this fact needs to be pushed in the faces of every American. I would love to see Hitler's useful idiots of today like Boxer, Finescum, Upchuck, Finegold. In a public form openly support Hitler's laws that were used to disarm people so they could be murdered without his troops suffering any losses.

  2. David, you are certainly right about this analysis. May I suggest you send it to Glenn Reynolds ?
    Sam Wilson

  3. I must be a goddamned genius. I knew all this on day one and said so.

    This is not bragging this is anger at all our brothers who saw and read the same damn things I did and the "creditable" commentators did and did not already know this.

    Goddammit! You don't need to wait for someone to explain it to you. Do your own goddamned thinking.

    Only then will you be ready to do what is necessary and be confident in its rightnes.

    I am so tired of pulling a reluctant mule.


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