Sunday, June 29, 2008

"It Could Set Precedent"

44-year old Andre Moore is being held at the 18th Police District by the very officers he apparently wanted to kill.

At least that's the message he allegedy sent out to the world in a disturbing, hate filled rant on YouTube.
For some reason I can't find the complete video, but what I've seen so far disturbs me significantly less than this one. And I fear a state-authorized armed force that will batter in a man's door, drag him to a cell and try to destroy his life with legal charges far more than I fear a frustrated, angry guy ranting on YouTube because he's fed up with the enforcers.

All you "Homegrown Terrorists" who comment on WarOnGuns be advised--if precedent is set, they won't end with the hapless Mr. Moore. And our great watchdogs for freedom, the "Authorized Journalists," will be right there in lockstep with "The Only Ones" as another enemy of the people gets dragged off to the gulag.

Here's the thing: If Moore can't say what he did about Philly cops, no one can say that about anyone. So does that mean they'll finally be coming for Ice-T?

How about Michael Reagan?


  1. David, the video of the police pulling the men out of a car and rat packing them is great news to elitist. The elitist have been building police forces with goons for many years to install fear in the masses. Soon all cops will be wearing black with the full intent of putting fear into anyone that looks at them. Just like the good old days back in Germany with the SS.
    Being we have no facturies in America to speak of, todays cops know they will never have it better and will do anything ordered, no matter what. These people that are todays cops have a totally different mind set than that of yesterday's peace officer. Watching this video of them kicking and beating people isn't the first time they ever did it. Its just the first time they had someone video them doing it. This is going on all over this nation in larger cities. Still many smaller cities and towns are hanging on from full on goons attacking the citizens but for how much longer.
    As far as what it said on your site, I don't see any problems. People are voicing they are unhappy with the direction of the country and want smaller government. If that becomes a crime, this country as we know it is over.

  2. WE didn't start it.

    I have to admit that the more I know about laws and how they're enforced, I don't exactly get all broken up when something happens to a cop, either.
    Just found out today that my state has made seatbelt violations a PRIMARY offense. That means, your word against theirs and they can pull you over, give you a ticket and then search if they feel like it. And it can all be a lie.
    On the scale, that's minor, but the abuse of it could turn major.
    People want Muslims to denounce Islamic terror. They're disappointed when few do. People want police and politicians to denounce bad behavior by law enforcement. They've given up waiting for it.
    One man on bad video in a low-rent apartment isn't going to convince people to go out and get some street justice. They're making examples again.
    Be funny if their backlash against anti-bad-cop backlash touches off the powderkeg, huh?

  3. After seeing videos from traffic stops with people tasered for not signing dubious traffic citations, a 16-year-old girl pepper-sprayed in the face for a curfew violation, and a COMPLAINANT stripped by force by female AND male deputies and locked naked in a cell...
    ... The FOP and IACP need to get on YouTube with some apologies.

  4. THOSE are the lyrics to "Cop Killer"? THAT'S what all the fuss was about?
    Released in 1992, I notice. Ice must have felt better soon after when people outside the 'hood started dying in great numbers by police action too. The race prejudice accusation is practically baseless any more.

  5. I ain't hiding, and I don't run, except maybe to cover.

  6. Recently on my blog, I wrote "Live free or die? Scratch that! Live free or kill those who would prevent it! Hey, its better than giving up and dying if they try to take your freedom!". I was then told by a commenter that I had threatened to kill people. This person is a supposed freedom lover!

    When the people who claim to be on our side love the state and have no guts to stand up for liberty for fear of offending the bad guys, we are in trouble.

  7. Yeah, Kent, don't you just love it when you leave the choice in their hands and they view it as a threat when all you said was "leave me alone".

    That pretty much tells you that if a statement of repercussion for evil acts against one's self is viewed as a threat, then they all along had and still have intent to commit evil acts against that person.

    I have been asked many times by our alleged freedom lovers and alleged 2A supporters (you know the ones, the pragmatists) if that "..... is a hill you're willing to die on?"

    My answer has always been "Yes, but more importantly that is a hill I'm willing to kill on." Even though I am very reluctant to kill anything, yet I would to preserve my freedom and that of my family's.

    What is it that these mental and moral midgets don't understand about the choice is up to those who do evil and not us. Just refrain from doing harmful things and you are in no danger from the peaceable. Yet that is viewed as unreasonable and bloodthirsty while not crediting the marauders with the responsibility for avoiding such response by refraining from visiting violence and enslavement upon others.

    Have we become so weak in spirit as a society that we cannot bear to see evil resisted?

  8. straightarrow- You might be very interested in the post I have written to be posted tomorrow on my blog.

  9. Well said.
    WE didn't start this.
    To paraphrase Patton, no one ever won a war by dying for his principles; he won it by making the OTHER guy die for HIS. If you're not the aggressor, then what other people think means less than nothing. The world is full of people who do nothing rather than risk doing something wrong. People who do wrong TO those people DEPEND on that. When a bully gets decked, he either gives up being a bully or moves on to a more cooperative victim. You can tell who's never really been victimized by how they weigh in on that scenario. "No hitting back!" means they've never tasted their own blood spilled by someone else.


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