Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Not Today

At the close of Wednesday’s public session, Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., announced that the Court will issue all remaining decisions for the Term at 10 a.m. Thursday. The test case on whether the Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a gun is among those remaining (District of Columbia v. Heller, 07-290).
All I can guess at is they're wrangling over scrutiny level...


  1. You can be sure that whatever the decision may be, it will never be formulated to threaten the continued existence of the state.

  2. Well, I suppose it IS safe to assume the STATE will never threaten its own existence. I was hoping it'd just put itself back in its original container, but I'm afraid that's nearly as unlikely.

  3. Is it possible they could choose, at this late date, NOT to decide the case? '

    Because that's where my money's going.

  4. No, what will happen is that they'll admit that the 2nd confers an individual right (after all, that's what it says!) but that said individual right is subject to regulation whenever a governmental body has a "compelling" reason, a "compelling" reason being whatever some bureaucrat can come up with on the spur of the moment.

    Does anyone really think they're going to issue a ruling that strikes down thousands of Federal and state laws on the books? Think of all the BATF agents that would have to find jobs!

  5. The Second Amendment says what it means, and means what it says.

    To alter it, is tyranny.

  6. I believe the wrangling is how to redefine words. Much as they did in Kelo, where the public works suddenly became public "good" based on who would pay the most taxes on property one private individual wished to steal from another with the guns of the state enforcing the theft.

  7. As long as we remember to insert "sector" between "public" and "safety", whenever that phrase is used.

  8. Constitutional lawyers have learned how to squeeze a camel thru the eye of a needle when it comes to finding new powers for the Imperial Federal Gubmint. It’s foolish to think that somehow all of that is going to be rolled back in a case involving the most hated amendment in the BOR. They’re going to write an opinion with a BUT so big that you could drive a truck through it!

    We Gunnys need to understand that a decision day is coming for us. Each one of us is someday going to have to decide if we’re sheep …or men. And I believe in my heart of hearts that that day is coming sooner, rather than later.

  9. Well here we are its the big day!
    I'm going to do my crystal ball on the topic. I see one of two things happening. First would be the court kicking it back to the lower federal court in agreement and for that court to rule on how DC will allow its citizens to own hand guns. With the court in agreement with the lower court that the Second Amendment is about the citizens right to keep and bear arms.
    If it goes beyond that, it will give into agreement that the Second Amendment is about the people's right to keep and bear arms. It will do it in such a way that will allow people to own the firearms they want but for what was ruled on in Miller, full autos and sawed off shotguns. This will put ATF in a bind and daddy Bush's Marxist order stopping guns and ammo from China in question. It will all look great but there will be some wording that will give the anti's some wiggle room. Fact of the matter if Clinton can go into great detail over the word "is" you can bet there will be some loose wording in this ruling that will open the door for many court fights. The one thing we can count on is the NRA will screw us as they have always done in such court fights.
    The time is drawing closer, tick, tick, tick, tick......


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