Saturday, June 28, 2008

Repeal the Chicago Tribune

Repeal the 2nd Amendment
Well, if you can repeal one, why not the other?

Still, in the Trib's case, we may not need to do anything but watch them shrivel into further irrelevancy. And as more "Authorized Journalists" are "downsized" out, they may find themselves unable to obtain placement. The great big happy global public/private partnership they're so eager for the rest of us to transition to is finding out that ink-stained wretches, too, can be outsourced.

You've done our work. We have no further need for you.

[Via HZ]

UPDATE: Mike Vanderboegh weighs in with a letter to the idi...uh...editor:

re: Your call to repeal the Second Amendment

Provoking a bloody civil war by repealing the Second Amendment is an odd way to secure "public safety." Do you think American gun owners would simply stay quiet and do nothing if our God-given, inalienable rights (which are merely enumerated in the Bill of Rights and not created by it) were "legally" stripped from us? Don't extrapolate from your own cowardice. Just because you would do anything the government told you to do doesn't mean we would. And remember, we're the ones with the firearms.

Democracy, unrestrained by a constitutional republican framework, is three wolves and a sheep sitting down to vote on what, or who, to have for dinner. But by all means, go ahead and repeal the Second Amendment. The "sheep" will pull out a .45 and plug all three of your wolves before they can start drooling.


  1. Until a few weeks ago I didn't know Mike Vanderboegh from Adam's house cat. But now I look forward to his every utterance.

    Oh to have seen that gal's face when she read that rebuttal of Mike's!

  2. Wait a minute--you're telling me Mike isn't Adam's house cat?

    Now what the hell am I supposed to do with all this Fancy Feast?

  3. LOL! Mike, you're leaving out the good stuff. That being liberals are snob elitist who don't dare do the fighting themselves. They look to get others to do it for them so they can hide out in security.
    If and I sure hope it never happens that citizens are at war within our own borders again. The one thing we need to keep in mind is the elitist snobs that work in the media industry have lied to the American people and are personally behind the propaganda that is destroying our country. These very people are not the watchdogs of liberty but the driving forces behind the Marxist out to destroy every thing the Founding Fathers gave us.
    The simple fact that a media group such as this one calling for the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights part of it be destroyed is perfectly clear we have traders hiding behind the First Amendmenet and enemies to every American's freedom. How much more clear could that be?

  4. My Grandpa Vanderboegh used to see he didn't know somebody from "Adam's off ox." No doubt the ox slept in Adam's barn and not the house.

    And thanks for the compliment. Talent on loan from God, as they say. -- MBV

  5. Mike ,could you post the link to your letter?

  6. I seem to remember that it was the Chicago Tribune that did Obama's dirty work in 2004 when they forced open the sealed custody and divorce files of Jack Ryan, the Republican nominee for US Senate from Illinois. Obama could have very well remained an obscure state senator without that little bit of hatchet work. So as far as I'm concerned, they can lump it.

  7. Bravo Mike.

    Well said as usual.

    I too happily follow each new article or post Mr. Codrea or Mr. Vanderboegh puts out.

    Keep up the good work gentlemen. It is having an effect.

    God bless.


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