Sunday, June 29, 2008

UK Crime Isn't the Only Thing Going Unreported

A study has claimed that much of the gun crime on Britain's streets goes unreported.
So when they tell us how much more tranquil the UK is, we might not be getting the complete story?

What a shock.

"Contrary to its commitment to be 'tough on crime'... the Government's criminal justice policy has been characterised by a reluctance to acknowledge the causal relation between income inequality and violent crime," it said.
In other words, don't remove the vicious elements from society, but implement more wealth-distributing socialism?

This is what ivory tower egghead Peter Squires calls "addressing causes and not just symptoms"?

Peter thinks "income inequality" is a cause, rather than--in general--a predictable result of poor choices, such as not paying attention in school, being lazy, relying on government, having unprotected sex and out-of-wedlock children, being immoral, hanging out with the wrong people...the enabling of which has been committed by the control-all state, as I tried to address in my "elephant" post, where I wrote about "populations most directly affected by and responsive to a continuing history of destructive government policies."

"Income inequality." That's a damned insult on generations that went before, immigrants like my ancestors who were poor, proud, honest and clean, and worked hard to create a better life for themselves and their children. It's an insult to those of us who know what it's like to do the most menial, dirty, tiresome, physically demanding of jobs for the lowest of wages.

As long as they have useful idiots like the good Professor Squires here, the masters can continue to ratchet up their controls, reaching longer and deeper. And producing the results that will allow them to go to the next step, then the next...


  1. It's worse. As of a few years ago, if someone was murdered and the killer wasn't found, guess what. It's not counted! In the U.S., if two people are involved in killing someone, it counts as two murders. In the U.K., it's still one!

  2. Its not just the UK, not by a long shot. Right now, today! My brother is in NZ, Christchurch operating and teaching, saving lives. After he does this he's done as a doctor and will retire.
    Here's what he told me about Christchurch in an email yesterday. He said Christchurch is a tale of two cities. During the day its a garden city with a river that runs through a very pretty city. During the night both males and females 16 to 28 get drunk and drugged out of their minds and beat each other to death and anyone else who happens along. Keep in mind he's a heart doctor but gets to hear about all the ER stuff over coffee at the hospital.
    My personal view on this:
    I don't believe its just related to disarming the population. I believe it part of the damage to human being when government becomes a socialized government. The people are subjects and have lost the drive to do better and get ahead in life. These people have nothing to look forward to but government hand outs. One of the first things government does is come up with lies like, "a seperation of church and state" which isn't in our Constitution. Then disarms the people to force government on the people.
    Bottom line is: Small, very small government is good government for the people. Maybe not so good for the parasites, but who does the real work and its not the parasites.


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