Thursday, June 05, 2008

Welcome to the Forbidden Zone

D.C. Police would set-up checkpoints in targeted areas, demand to see ID and refuse admittance to people who don't live there, work there or have a “legitimate reason” to be there.
Your papers...

And remember: They hate us because we're free.

[Via Cigar Rollers]


  1. You are now leaving the American Sector.
    For real, for good.
    Even after anticipating this for years, joking about it in bad German accents and all that, it's still chilling that they're actually doing it.
    They've done it small-scale at public housing here, going so far as to charge people with trespass for being on the public sidewalks. But not actual checkpoints.
    See, this is where the GPS-enabled Chip will be so convenient. The new technology has put all the capabilities we know about into a package the size of a fleck of pepper.
    I saw a deputy escorting a prisoner yesterday, and he had a chip bracelet on, like a big blue plastic wristwatch band. Old-school but effective. The people aren't quite ready to go under the needle.

  2. Brrrr. The chip is now so cheap and effective that Palm Desert, California is considering microchips in all decorative plants on public property. There's a theft problem with the cactuses and Mediterranean palms because they require very little irrigation and bring large prices.
    In today's newspaper.

  3. from the WP article on this:

    "We have to try to take away the things that are facilitating the ability to commit crime," Lanier said.

    uh huh. like grid power and water?

  4. Nazis come in all colors, Fenty is a prime example.

    I have predicted for more than 30 years that the day is coming when we will be required to carry internal passports that are geographic specific as to our allowed access. It won't be called "internal passport", but it will happen, after the test trials are all done.

  5. No, they're called REAL ID.

    You hear the story about US researchers tracking 100000 people "overseas" by using their cellphones for 6 months to a year?

    Go have a look there about the cancer caused by the implants.

    We're well past slavery, that happened again. "THEY" want to watch us at all times, where the government controls what we do and the reap the benefits of our work without us knowing it. They take how much money from us as taxes? They fine us for this and that, things that they have no authority to control, we have to get permits to have pets, to build a pool, to modify our homes, to travel, to DEFEND ourselves with a gun. Those all cost money Obama wants to take even more and have even more control. They lock us up and they make money and have more power because we can't let the people know about it.

    God help us!

  6. At first glance, this could be a fallback position for when they lose Heller. On second thought, this could be belt-and-suspenders for when they win it. Basically, they've got no downside.

    Mark Odell

  7. My own take is on my blog, but...

    This makes me want to drive the 4 or 5 hours to DC, just to drive to the checkpoint and get arrested for insisting on going through the neighborhood (so I can take it all the way to the Supreme Court). My "legitimate reason?" Oh, "Just driving around to see the city, officer. This looks like an interesting neighborhood."

    Not that I should have to give one, but that is a perfectly "legitimate reason" to go in any public area in the USA.

    Modern tyrannies are not born in a day. They are built one 'small' infringement on another, a little bit at a time.


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