Saturday, June 07, 2008

We're the Only Ones Automatic Enough

Before deputies arrived, they were informed that Agt. Queen was in the residence with an automatic weapon refusing to come out.

[Via RCB and Carl S]


  1. "The investigation has been turned over to the TBI and any questions or concerns should be addressed to the District Attorney’s Office. It is improper to discuss any aspect of the allegations until complete investigations have been completed and reviewed. The release of any information could materially affect the results of the investigation.

    "I would also encourage anyone receiving any information related to the aforementioned investigation to view that information with great concern. The professional staff involved in these investigations are trained and restricted by their agencies from releasing any information.

    "I will release the results of the investigations once all the facts have been determined and verified. I apologize for any inconvenience this delay may cause. However, it is most important that innocent citizens are protected and that justice is served."

    Excuse me while I puke. These statements make me sick. Innocent citizens? If you disobey the commands of police to put down the weapon and come out, are you innocent?

    I think that should read, "I will release the results of the investigations once all the facts have been distorted and stories compared. I apologize for any inconvenience this delay may cause. However, it is most important that innocent "Only Ones" are protected and that injustice is, once again, served up."

    Still puking here.

  2. Ah, ya beat me to it. I was going to translate:

    "However, it is most important that Only Ones are protected and that justice is ignored."

  3. "If you disobey the commands of police to put down the weapon and come out, are you innocent?"
    Depends. Is the command just?

  4. In the District of Corruption, you can apparently now be arrested for "Failure to obey and officer."

    It seems that in DC, if you disobey the commands of the police you are no longer innocent - meaning that the commands of the police have the force of law. Of course its for your own good, I mean think of the children...

  5. If he surrendered the weapon will the BATFU prosecute him for transferring a machine gun, or do they just do that when there isn't one?


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