Sunday, July 20, 2008


The event allowed people who owned illegal guns to drop them off at six churches in exchange for a $200 debit card, no questions asked.

$200 apiece? You gotta be kidding me.

I don't suppose it occurs to these morons that they're creating all kinds of incentives here that work directly against their stated goals?


  1. OK, guys, I think we're missing fund raising opportunities here. No questions asked covers a lot of sins. Like does it work? How many of us have junk guns sidelined for parts in the bottom drawer? You can go to flea markets and pick 'em up for as little as $25.00. And these morons will pay two bills for that junk? Guys, gals, lets start surfing the web looking for announcements of buy-backs to come and converting junk into ammo, more guns, David Olofson's support fund, more ammo, etc. We're missing a huge opportunity here.

  2. Am I being too cynical if I suggest that would be EXACTLY what they want?

    Offer a bounty on guns, criminals steal guns to turn in for $200 = Fewer guns in the hands of gun owners.

  3. I have 2 broken guns that I can't get parts for. I bought one for $40 and the other for $25. If there is ever a "buyback" program near me I could take them both in and get $400 (or whatever the bounty happens to be) towards the purchase of a working gun. Hmmm. Still it pains me to even appear to be giving those ingorant, self-important parasites my support.

  4. Why don't we just turn in spray painted airsoft guns? Like they'll know the difference!

  5. I don't own any illegal guns, so I can't turn them in.

    Of course, there is no such thing as an illegal gun.

  6. exactly what who wants? i see an opportunity here to bury some bureaucrats pretending to be real citizens with real jobs in paperwork.

    you gotta give the autistic people something to do; they go all crazy if you don't.

  7. If I could get $200 for my Lorcin, that would be a 100% profit! And then it wouldn't be wasting space in my gun safe.

  8. step 1: buy high pressure piping
    step 2: make a bunch of zip guns
    step 3: sell them to brooklyn, ny
    step 4: 98% profit

  9. Just remember where the money comes from - stolen from the people of the area.

    Why would you want to be a receiver of stolen goods? :(

  10. To piss the people off from whom the money was stolen and just maybe encourage them to quit voting these penile discharges into office again and again.


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