Friday, July 11, 2008

From the Department of Pre-Crime

"And we've seen that, just getting a concealed carry permit, all that means is that you haven't committed a crime yet."--Daniel Vice, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Ownership Senior Attorney
Ergo, we are all criminals--some of us just haven't acted out on our evil impulses yet.

But wait a minute--if that means we all should be prohibited from bearing arms, what does that do to the Brady's new argument that Heller takes "slippery slope" concerns off the table?

Fortunately, those the Brady's would give a monopoly of lethal force to are immune to such human failings. We've proven that time and again here, haven't we?

Or could it be that paranoid projectionists like the aptly named Mr. Vice are manipulators and deceivers, that is, liars?

UPDATE: Video snippet (thanks 45superman!)


  1. "And we've seen that, just getting (hired as a cop), all that means is that you haven't committed a crime yet."

  2. "1984": "Nothing could be said to be illegal, since there were no longer any laws. Nevertheless, some acts were punishable by death." And people who disappeared into the Ministry of Love were never seen again.

    Mark Koernke, "America in Peril": "No matter which way you turn, they'll find a reason to take you with them."

    The Bible: "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."

    The New Millennial Inquisition, only without a religious cover story? "Always Think Forfeiture."

    Step on a crack, might as well be SELLING crack.

    "Shoot a cop with a gun,
    The Big Apple is plenty of fun.
    Stab a pea with a fork, and
    You'll spend your vacation in New York."
    -- "Escape From New York," inmates of the Manhattan federal prison island run by the United States Police Force.

    Bizarro World.

  3. A murderer in Virginia was executed last night. He and his partner beat, slashed and choked a 79-year-old NEIGHBOR. What killed her was when they forced her own walking stick down her throat, blocking her airway.
    They had no gun.
    Obviously, neither did she.

  4. Kinda hurts the ol' background check argument, doesn't it?

  5. For those in a hurry, here's the video clip shortened down to just Vice's "haven't committed a crime yet" line.

    By the way, is it just me, or does anyone else think Vice looks kinda like a ventriloquist's dummy?

  6. It's amazing to me how all these people who can't trust others with guns think nothing of jumping on the freeway with all sorts of idiots behind the wheels of 3000 lb cars. Oh and car accidents kill four times as many people per year as guns (and that's including justifiable homicides)

  7. Even SAINT Gabriel Possenti, who scared bandits away from a village with a display of handgun marksmanship, wouldn't pass THEIR test.
    They have their counterparts in Zimbabwe, where apparent president-for-life Mugabe has been called "Africa's Hitler." THEY helped him take the opposition's guns. The world clucks its tongue and says "Isn't that awful?"
    And gets back to important business like saving the tundra lichen of Greenland.

  8. American Indian infants and toddlers at Sand Creek. Jewish children at Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen. Too dangerous to be allowed to grow up. "Nits make lice," said one cavalry commander.
    Is that us and OUR children, today?
    President Bush got his FISA present from Congress. It should be much easier to identify future "domestic terrorists" now, as well as foreign ones, through warrantless (in every sense of the word) surveillance.
    In perspective, that cavalry commander was probably wise. Imagine a child of murdered parents finding out about the atrocity that orphaned him and took his way of life. Because someone who looked similar did something bad far away.

  9. Too good not to mention: A Virginia death row inmate is appealing his sentence on grounds that the lethal injection method may leave him conscious enough to experience pain when his heart slows and stops.
    He beat a co-worker to death with a lamp over drug money. I bet that hurt a bit.
    Again, no gun involved.
    Unarmed against monsters? No thanks. If that makes ME a criminal, OK.

  10. Sounds like Mr.Vice may have been in training to be a LEO.
    That is the same line that a "law enforcement" student spouted to me a few years ago. It was what they were being taught in the course of their training. It was the last straw for me. I KNOW that cops are the enemies of free men and women now.

  11. This is the same flawed logic as the "all men are potential rapists" crap that militant feminists use.

    If guns cause crime, then all of mine are defective.

  12. Anonymous said...
    "And we've seen that, just getting (hired as a cop), all that means is that you haven't committed a crime yet."

    7/11/2008 11:12 AM

    No, anon, it that isn't all it means. It also means he didn't score real high on his IQ and academic pre-employment tests.

    To Kent, yeah, I have known more than a few cops who were taught and believe that way. Oddly, none of them ever displayed any good character of which I am aware.


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